Is There a Difference Between a Maze and a Labyrinth ?

Today we will try to answer the question, Is There a Difference Between A Maze and A Labyrinth ?

Any time I want to define a word I start with a dictionary. Here is how the Merriam-Webster dictionary defines the words maze and labyrinth:

Maze: a confusing intricate network of passages

Labyrinth: (1) a place constructed of or full of intricate passageways and blind alleys

(2) a maze (as in a garden) formed by paths separated by high hedges

So from these definitions they can be almost considered interchangeable. Part of this I think comes from the fact that in many languages there is only one word, not two to describe the similar things. i.e. translating the words maze and labyrinth produce one result in French, Labyrinthe. This happens in many languages, all based off the word labyrinth: Spanish (Laberinto), Portuguese and Italian (Labirinto), Swedish, Norwegian and Danish (Labyrint) and Turkish, Haitian, and Uzbek (Labirent) to name a few. I assume to people in these countries based on word usage a maze and a labyrinth are the same thing.

Personally I think of a maze as a network of passages with choices and a labyrinth as one without choices. A maze has an entrance and and exit while almost every labyrinth has a single entrance/exit (the main exception being a baltic wheel labyrinth). But if you speak with someone from another country there is a good chance they use labyrinth as I would use maze, so be aware. In many books and movies they use the words interchangeably, but I believe this is incorrect.

Maze vs Labyrinth

To help decide what something is I have developed the the following rules to determine if something is a maze or if it is a labyrinth.


1. If the set of passageways is made of corn

This is definitely a maze. Tell the farmer how much fun you had and thank them for their hard and creative work. And don’t forget to eat some corn on the cob while you are there.

2. If a series of passageways is made of hedges

This is a usually a labyrinth (but see #3 to confirm). Give your compliments to the head gardener. And don’t forget about the team of gardeners who work on these large works of art.

3. If the passageway has an entrance and an exit but no choices along the way

This is a labyrinth. In my eyes a maze has choices and a labyrinth does not.

4. If the entrance and exit are the same

If the entrance and exit are the same, it's 97% a labyrinth, and conversely if there are distinct entrances and exits (or starts and goals) this is 98.3% a maze.

5. If the passageways are drawn in a book.

These are Mazes in a maze book. I have never heard of a Labyrinth book, although there is a publishing company called Labyrinth books that publishes books on all subjects (but I couldn’t find any maze books, weird).

6. If the passageway walls are made of mirrors.

You are in a carnival fun house and that is a maze (PROBABLY - if it is for young children it is probably a mirror labyrinth so they don’t get lost !). Now there are 2 types of mirror mazes. The first is made of standard mirrors, and you need to go slow to orient yourself. The second is made of wacky mirrors, and you should also go slow to have fun looking at yourself. Do you prefer to look wide, thin, or wavy in those mirrors ? When you make your way out of the maze reward yourself with some cotton candy, elephant ears, or a corn dog.

7. If Freddy Krueger, Jason or Leatherface are jumping out to scare you from the dark.

You are in a Haunted House and following a labyrinth. If you are in a haunted house that is a maze, well that’s just mean (Haunted house business idea ?). It could give new meaning to the term dead end….

8. If David Bowie has wonderful spiked hair and is singing to you.

That’s the movie Labyrinth and David Bowie is the Goblin King. Hopefully you aren’t stuck in the fantasy world trying to save someone like in the movie.

9. If you are surrounded by Pineapple’s and tropical plants

Well congratulations, you are in Hawaii at the Dole Pineapple plantation maze, considered the world’s largest maze at over 3 acres. Enjoy the weather, and have some delicious fresh pineapple. I’m jealous. I hope it rains.

10. If you are eating dots and being chased by colorful ghosts

You are in a maze and are stuck in a Pac-Man game (or one of it’s many spin-offs) Tron style. Try to eat the big dots if the ghosts get too close, then eat the ghosts. And if you see fruit (Cherry, Strawberry, Orange, Apple), eat that too. There are many video games that are based on the maze premise, like Gauntlet and Rally-X. I think I’ve died 2,437 times playing Gauntlet and I would just keep putting in more quarters. Quick side question - did you prefer to be the Wizard, Elf, Warrior or Valkyrie ?

11. If you are walking between placed stones or boulders (can you place a boulder?).

You are in a labyrinth, and most likely in the country of Sweden where they are most common with about 300 placed stone labyrinths located there.

12. If you are walking on grass between small mounds.

You are in a labyrinth, most commonly found in England and Wales. Locals refer to them as mizmazes. While the historical record shows these were quite common in the Middle Ages, most have been plowed over to use the land for other uses.

13. If you are passing by kitchens and bedrooms and bathrooms and pillows and towels and…

You are in a labyrinth also known as the store called Ikea. Just keep walking. They have food available for purchase at the end. Maybe pick up a pillow, blanket, or some assemble-at-home furniture along the way.

14. If enormous people are watching you

You are in a maze. You are a rat/mouse and those large people are scientists. Get to the end and there is CHEESE (probably) ! If you want to have some fun act erratic and do the opposite of what they want. But you might miss the reward…just go get the cheese.

15. If you are surrounded by hay bales.

You are in a hay bale maze created by a farmer who thought corn mazes weren’t quite enough.

16. If they are on my website

Those are all mazes. Unless they are in the labyrinth section, then they are labyrinths, but mostly mazes !


I hope these 16 rules helped you figure out if you are dealing with a maze or a labyrinth.

A Classic Labyrinth

Classical labyrinth