Each book below is a free downloadable pdf file to print on your own. Most all of them are in color. For an overview of every book check out this blog post. These are not the same quality as the books I sell on Amazon, but the price is right.
There are a total of 730 different mazes to download (not including the Spanish language versions !) plus a book of 151 word puzzles.
My Alphabet Maze Book
36 pages, 70 mazes
Ages: 5 and under
Size: 830 KB
Learn your letters and numbers while completing mazes. Mazes are in color but can be printed and enjoyed in black and white.
The Learn Your Colors Maze Book
12 pages, 65 mazes
Age: Children
Size: 1,368 KB
Learn your colors with 65 unique mazes. Revised and Expanded Edition !
Easy Mazes for Kids Book
A free downloadable book featuring 30 different mazes. Includes standard mazes, mazes where you need to avoid items, and mazes where you need to collect items ! A nice beginning maze book.
Age: All Kids
File Size: 1,605 KB
Libro de Laberintos Fáciles Para Niños
Un libro descargable gratuito con 30 laberintos diferentes. Incluye los laberintos estándar, los laberintos donde usted necesita evitar los artículos, y los laberintos donde usted necesita recoger los artículos! Un libro del laberinto del comienzo agradable.
Tamaño del archivo: 1,609 KB
The Wild and Wacky Aliens Maze Book
46 pages, 48 mazes
Age: All
Size: 456 KB
48 Mazes of aliens. Difficulty level is EASY.
The Maze Racing Book
30 pages, 30 Racing mazes
Age: All
File Size: 341 KB
Features daily mazes from January 2021. Each racing maze is meant to be solved competitively by 2 people starting at the same time. These are mostly easy mazes with a few weaving mazes at the end a bit harder. To learn about race rules click here.
A Christmas Themed Maze Book
31 Christmas themed mazes collected into a book. Includes a variety of maze types - including standard mazes, find items and avoid items mazes, arrow mazes and weaving mazes. Includes a printable Christmas card.
File Size: 446 KB
A Christmas Themed Maze Book VOL 2
31 Christmas themed mazes collected into a book. Includes a variety of maze types - including find items and avoid items mazes, arrow mazes and weaving mazes. Features multiple pages of “create your own maze” templates !
File Size: 444 KB
free printable medium difficulty maze books
Mazequerade Maze Book (NEW JAN 1, 2025)
55 pages, 54 mazes
Ages: 8 and up
Size: HUGE
This is a collection of 53 weekly Comic book style full color mazes, plus an Annual edition. It has been made to be kid-friendly (I edited 8 covers). To receive your free copy you must sign-up for book alerts and I will send you a copy.
United States State Capitals Maze Book
51 pages, 51 mazes
Ages: Middle school
Size: 1,568 KB
Maps of each of the US states. Each maze ends in the state capital.
Learn each State Capital, Postal Code, Year of statehood, Region of US, State Motto, State Bird and State Flower. Mazes are in black and white
United States Road Trip Maze Book
51 pages, 51 mazes
Age: Teens+
Size: 1038 KB
Maps of each US state + Washington DC with difficult mazes. Mazes are in black and white.
The European Road Trip Maze Book
47 pages, 46 mazes
Age: Teens+
Size: 1806 KB
Maps of each European country, ending in each capital city. Includes a capital cities quiz at the end. Mazes are in black and white (mostly) with minor color for cities.
The 50 Boxes Maze Booklet
50 pages, 50 mazes
Age: Teens+
Size: 310 KB
50 unique “Box” mazes in booklet format (A6, or approx 6x4). A great book to download if you want to solve on a tablet.
The Horoscope Maze Booklet
12 pages, 12 mazes
Age: Adult
Size: 215 KB
12 horoscope symbol mazes in booklet format (A6, or approx 6x4)
A Word Puzzle Book - REVISED MEGA EDITION !!
26 pages, 151 word puzzles
Age: All
Size: 1,408 KB
151 Word puzzles of common sayings, phrases and idioms, previously collected in 3 volumes, now combined into 1 Mega volume with revisions and improvements !!
The Pattern Boxes Maze Booklet
29 pages, 29 mazes
Age: All
Size: 564 KB
29 Pattern inspired mazes in booklet format (A6, or approx 6x4). Try your hand at solving the Argyle maze. Can you solve the Camouflage maze ? That isn’t just a pattern, it’s a solvable maze !
The Block Maze Booklet
12 pages, 13 block mazes including the cover
Age: Teens+
Size: 347 KB
13 Block Mazes in booklet format (A6, or approx 6x4). Create a path from start to finish by shifting blocks
The Hidden Message Trail Maze Book
28 pages, 29 Hidden Message Trail mazes
File Size: 409 KB
Features daily mazes from February 2021. Each maze has a hidden message with up to 3 clues: 1 - The maze object, 2 - The type of saying and 3 - The length of the words. To learn about how to make a hidden trail maze click here.
The Pod Maze Book
A free downloadable book featuring 31 different pod mazes. Mazes come in a variety of shapes and colors.
Age: Teen and up
File Size: 307 KB
El Libro del Laberinto Cápsula
Un libro descargable gratuito con 31 laberintos de capsulas diferentes. Los laberintos vienen en una variedad de formas y colores. Also available in English here !
File Size: 312 KB
The Golf Maze Book
9 Timed mazes drawn on a golf course. Get out a timer and test your skill. Can you make par ? Includes scorecard and a bonus golf ball maze.
Age: Ages 10 and up
File Size: 247 KB
Just Number Mazes - A Mini Book
Mazes of the numbers 0 thru 9 done using horizontal and vertical maze constructions. Nothing fancy, just 10 mazes.
Age: Ages 10 and up
File Size: 296 KB
A Pattern Maze Book: Volume 1 & 2
61 different pattern mazes appropriate for most ages. Each maze is a draw and cut that solves like a grid maze. Lots of fun and not too hard ! Recently combined into 1 large book and expanded from 31 to 61 mazes !!
Age: Teens and up
File Size: 277 KB
Un Libro de Laberinto de Patrones: Vols 1 & 2
61 laberintos de patrones diferentes apropiados para la mayoría de las edades. Cada laberinto es un dibujo y corte que se resuelve como un laberinto de cuadrícula. ¡Mucha diversión y no demasiado difícil!
Tamaño del archivo: 287 KB
A Connected Maze Book
30 mazes, each solvable (many with multiple goals). The goal you arrive at determines the next maze you solve. Can you solve the complete maze consisting of all 30 mazes ?
A free downloadable book featuring 30 different connected mazes. Can you solve the entire Maze by reaching the final goal ? Features 3 different types of mazes. Includes a maze map and many possible solutions !
Age: Teens and up
File Size: 284 KB
Un Libro de Laberintos Conectados
Un libro descargable gratuito con 30 laberintos conectados diferentes. ¿Puedes resolver todo el Laberinto? Cuenta con 3 tipos diferentes de laberintos. Incluye un mapa laberinto y muchas soluciones posibles !
File Size: 295 KB
Hidden Message Maze book
34 different hidden message mazes appropriate for most ages. Each maze has the same basic design with a different hidden message contained/ Includes answer key.
File Size: 517 KB
Free printable mazes for kids, teens and adults with levels from Easy to Hard. Choose your free book to download ! Have a suggestion for a book ? Send me a request with your idea !