Issue #52 in my comic book cover series is called Cookie Crusader. Check out every comic book cover maze !
Stop back in a week for the final issue of the year #53 !
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Issue #52 in my comic book cover series is called Cookie Crusader. Check out every comic book cover maze !
Stop back in a week for the final issue of the year #53 !
Issue #51 in my comic book cover series is called BANANA and once again features starryai for the background. Check out every comic book cover maze !
Stop back in a week for issue #52 !
Issue #50 in my comic book cover series is called The Llama Chronicles and features starryai for the background. Check out every comic book cover maze !
Stop back in a week for issue #51 !
Issue #49 in my comic book cover series is called Buckshot and features my maze of an elk. I used starryai for the background. Check out every comic book cover maze !
Stop back in a week for issue #50 !