Free Stamp maze
The world’s largest office stamp located in Willard Park in Cleveland, Ohio. You can read about the stamp from the Cleveland Historical Society. It is down the street from the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. If I had taken the picture below from a slightly different angle you could see the top of the HOF in the background.
Let’s take a look at a photo of the free stamp: taken by me !
Free Stamp
The Mazes: I have 3 versions of the same maze in different colorations. I prefer the first version with detailed colors.
Free Stamp Maze
And here is a red and white version:
And finally a standard black and white version:
I have made many Cleveland mazes over the years, since it is my home base for part of the year. You can check out the best ones in this post: 6 Stunning Pieces of Maze Art showing Cleveland, Ohio.