la catrina laberinto
Dia de los Muertos is a Mexican holiday that celebrates and honors a families dead friends and relatives. La Catrina is the iconic character that has become popular as a costume during DDLM. I celebrate the holiday with a maze of La Catrina and a coloring page, each free to download below. While I will show you one picture as an example, for some fun, I suggest you do your own image search to find the best costumes.
La Catrina iivangm flickr
Coloring Page: As I was making this maze I realized that this would make a great coloring page, so here it is !
The Maze: And the next thing I noticed was that there was a lot of “empty” space on our characters face, so I needed to fill in some of the gaps to create more obstacles to create a maze in ! So I added MANY more lines, then mazed it. Here is the final version (still great for coloring IMO!)