Waterbury Union Station Clock Tower Maze
I am a big fan of train stations, and around the world you will find some great architecture with styles from many different centuries. Today I bring you a maze from a train station in Connecticut. This is of just the clock tower portion of the station, and to scale it for solving I did only a portion of the clock tower but I think you’ll like it. To learn more about this location and the making of the maze you can read the blog post.
And here is a quick video a a very gloomy day where you can hear the clocktower strike 12 o’clock.
My initial maze was done in black and white, but later with the help of some drone video I was able to colorize it ! I hope you enjoy each !
And here is the color version.
For a better idea of what this tower looks like here is a photo by Daniel Case:
By Daniel Case - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=12561206