Catacombs (2007) Movie Review

Catacombs (2007) IMDB AMZN

Catacombs movie poster

A woman visits her sister in Paris, because who wouldn’t want to visit Paris with a free place to stay and a tour guide ? Why visit the Eiffel Tower when you can can go underground to a secret rave in the catacombs of Paris surrounded with millions of skeletal remains ? I wouldn’t do that. But our characters do. I mean as you enter a sign reads “Arrête! C'est ici l'empire de la Mort”. Anyway, our character leaves the rave and gets lost in the maze that is the catacombs. And something sinister is after her. We have a lot of darkness, shaky camera, flickering lights, running, and screaming. And bones. Lots of bones. What we don’t have is a good horror movie. If you want to watch a good horror movie that takes place in the catacombs of Paris, choose As Above, So Below (2014).

I give it a 4/10.