A Hidden Message Maze Book - Can you find the hidden messages ?

I have pulled together 34 different hidden message mazes into a book format. Each maze has the same basic structure except for the mazes inner content. The book is formatted to print on standard size paper in a landscape format. My original design of each of these mazes was on a half sheet of paper that could be folded and made into a greeting card, so this should help guide you on what the majority of the hidden words and phrases are. This book includes an answer sheet of what each of the 34 mazes is meant to say, but the solving is up to you. I suggest using a thick marker after solving (unless you have enough confidence while solving) to really show off the message when solved.

Enjoy ! You can download the book below or you can find it with all of the other maze books.

Hidden Message Maze Book Cover

An Overview of Free Downloadable Maze Books

From the time I started this website I have tried to create books to pull together Maze Collections for people who love to solve mazes. I also have done some monthly themes of different maze types that naturally made for a good book. As I made the books I enjoyed the challenge of creating meaningful content that was both cohesive and engaging, I also got to practice making books and book covers. The more I made the better I got. Good enough to make books for Amazon. But that is not what today is about. Today is about the 11 Maze books you can download here on the website. Plus 6 Additional monthly collections I made into books for a total of 17 free downloadable books on the site !!! This means if you download them all there are 646 different mazes available just from the books below (plus 151 word puzzles) !

My first book was made for Kids, My Alphabet Maze Book. It is a book of each letter of the alphabet plus the numbers 0-9. Each page has the letter/number as a maze and an example of a word that starts with the letter mazed or a number of items mazed for the number pages. Plus each letter has a space to practice writing it. So each page has multiple uses !! Check out the example page for the Letter H Maze.

My Alphabet Maze Book Cover
Letter H maze for kids


36 pages, 70 mazes

Ages: 5 and under

Size: 859 KB

Learn your letters and numbers while completing mazes.

My next group of maze books dealt with the maps of each of the states in the United States. I named the more difficult state mazes The United States Road Trip Maze Book. It contains 51 pages and mazes, one for each state plus Washington DC. The example maze is a New York Maze to give you an example of the difficulty.

United States Maze Book
a maze of the state of New York


51 pages, 51 mazes

Age: Adult

Size: 1051 KB

Maps of each US state + Washington DC with difficult mazes.

If you are looking for a more educational state maze book then you are looking for the below United States State Capitals Maze Book. It was made with Middle school children in mind. Each mazes goal is the state capital so it is a way to learn them. Each page also includes some other state facts. Check out the example of the Ohio Maze below.

United States Kids Maze Book Cover
Ohio Kids Maze example


51 pages, 51 mazes

Ages: Middle school

Size: 1,594 KB

Maps of each of the US states. Each maze ends in the state capital.

Learn each State Capital, Postal Code, Year of statehood, Region of US, State Motto, State Bird and State Flower.

I went through a phase of making map mazes, and similar to the state capital mazes, I made a book of each European country, again ending in the countries capital called The European Road Trip Maze Book. This includes a quiz at the end of the book to match the country to its capital. A nice way to learn the countries of Europe and the largest and most important cities by country, and what each borders ! Check out the example country Germany below.

Europe Maze Book Cover
a maze of germany


47 pages, 46 mazes

Age: Adult

Size: 1827 KB

Maps of each European country, ending in each capital city. Includes a capital cities quiz at the end.

After making my ABC book I did a follow-up for children to help them learn their colors called The Learn Your Colors Maze Book. It covers the 12 main colors and has multiple mazes per page. as you can see in the Red example below.

Kids Learn Your Colors Maze Book Cover
Kids Mazes of red things


12 pages, 65 mazes

Age: Children

Size: 1442 KB

Learn your colors with 65 unique mazes. Revised and Expanded 2020 Edition !

I experimented with making mazes from common patterns and thought a book of mazes from them would be nice. I called it The Pattern Box Maze booklet. It features 29 full color pattern mazes in a booklet size. I think the Greek Key Maze is a good example of mazes in the booklet. At first glance it doesn’t seem like a maze.

Box Pattern maze booklet Cover
greek key pattern maze


29 pages, 29 mazes

Age: All

Size: 564 KB

29 Pattern inspired mazes in booklet format (A6, or approx 6x4). Try your hand at solving the Argyle maze. Can you solve the Camouflage maze ? That isn’t just a pattern, it’s a solvable maze !

I had a box maze phase. Keeping the border and structure relatively similar and then experimenting with how I filled the space with a variety of designs and constructions to make the maze. Eventually I had made enough to create another booklet, The 50 Boxes Maze Booklet. This booklet is made for maze lover’s who get bored easily with similar mazes back to back - this is all about variety !

The 50 boxes maze booklet Cover
box spiral maze


50 pages, 50 mazes

Age: Adult

Size: 325 KB

50 unique “Box” mazes in booklet format (A6, or approx 6x4)

Block Mazes are a type of maze puzzle. You still have the traditional overall objective of getting from the start to the goal, you just need to do that by strategically moving blocks to create a pathway. The Block Maze Booklet is a quick 12 pages and a change of pace from traditional mazes.

block maze book cover
Block maze #6


12 pages, 13 block mazes including the cover

Age: Teen and up

Size: 349 KB

13 Block Mazes in booklet format (A6, or approx 6x4). Create a path from start to finish by shifting blocks

The Zodiac signs made for a nice The Horoscope Make Booklet. Not much to say except what the example Sagittarius Maze shows you - a medium difficulty maze in a zodiac symbol.

Horoscope Maze booklet cover
Sagittarius Symbol Maze


12 pages, 12 mazes

Age: Adult

Size: 217 KB

12 horoscope symbol mazes in booklet format (A6, or approx 6x4)

My Wild and Wacky Aliens Maze Book was created as a project I did to convert some of my old had drawn mazes into digital ones. You can read about the conversion process that includes a few examples of the finished mazes.

Kids Maze book of aliens book cover


46 pages, 48 mazes

Age: All

Size: 475 KB

48 Mazes of aliens. Difficulty level is EASY.

My last free downloadable maze book is not a maze book (anymore). It is A Word Puzzle Book. Originally done as 151 different mazes I felt the maze portion was distracting to the word puzzles, so I scrapped 3 different books and revised them into 1 new book with NO Mazes. I think it is a much better book now. Can you tell what the book covers solution is ?

A word puzzle book cover


26 pages, 151 word puzzles

Age: All

Size: 1,421 KB

151 Word puzzles of common sayings, phrases and idioms, previously collected in 3 volumes, now combined into 1 Mega volume with revisions and improvements !!

That is an overview of each of the free downloadable books from the book section of the website, but I have also done more books that pull together content from my daily mazes into themes. Let’s look at those books now.

In February 2020 I did a month of Warp Mazes, enough to make A Warp Maze Booklet. They aren’t particularly difficult or exciting, but they are a change of pace.

a warp maze booklet cver


29 pages, 29 warp mazes

File Size: 346 KB

Features each daily maze from February 2020. Warp mazes allow the solver to jump between points in the maze. Each maze gets progressively harder. Separate 4 page answer sheet available if you get stuck.

March 2020 meant a month of Line Leads Mazes. Great as a kids activity. As you move through the A Line Leads Book, things get more difficult.

a line leads kids maze book cover


32 pages, 32 line leads mazes (including the cover)

File Size: 802 KB

Features each daily maze from March 2020. Line Leads mazes are all about the initial choice. Recommended for Kids of most ages !

April 2020 brought a month full of Puzzle Mazes. If you want to think before you make each movement in a maze, this is the book for you. The Puzzle Maze Book is all about color. It is also the first book where I spent extra time working on the cover.

The Puzzle Maze Book Cover


30 pages, 30 puzzle mazes

File Size: 847 KB

Features each daily maze from April 2020. Puzzle mazes are all about following directions to determine which directions are possible, THEN reaching the goal based on those possible moves !

July was a Weaving Maze Book that has been retired (A larger book is now available on Amazon), but August 2020 was dedicated to The Slide Arrow Maze Book. These are VERY DIFFICULT to solve going from start to finish. The size and the fact that most mazes have only 1 solution mean your chances of solving these quickly are basically zero.

Slide Arrow Maze Book Cover


34 pages (includes 3 solutions pages), 31 Slide Arrow mazes

File Size: 519 KB

Features each daily maze from August 2020. In an Slide Arrow Maze you start on the red arrow and slide across the maze until you reach the goal. You may move onto any arrow in the direction the one you are on points (but no jumping gaps). These are VERY difficult !

September 2020 brought us The Escape Maze Book. I think these mazes, which require you to escape from the center of the maze are fun and challenging. This just might become a large book in the future.

Escape Maze Book Cover


33 pages (includes 3 solutions pages), 30 Escape mazes

File Size: 388 KB

Features each daily maze from September 2020. In an Escape Maze you start within the walls of the maze and your goal is to escape to the outer wall. Often Escape mazes have multiple outer wall exits (although only 1 is the real solution).

January 2021 Brought us a new theme, the Racing Maze. Meant to be a printed maze that is solved by 2 people at the same time. Mazes are easy and targeted at kids, but the last few are done in a Weaving Maze style and are more difficult. All mazes are meant to be solved quickly !

Maze Racing Book Cover


30 pages, 30 Racing mazes

File Size: 365 KB

Features 30 daily mazes from January 2021. Find a friend and challenge them to a maze race ! Each maze is formatted on regular size paper.

February 2021 was a new type of maze, the Hidden Message Trail Maze. The nice thing about these mazes are you get clues to help you solve them. As a solver you still need to move from Start to Goal, but you a re not avoiding walls or dead ends, but gathering letters along the way to spell out a message. Great if you like both puzzles and mazes !

Trail Maze Book Cover


28 pages, 29 Hidden Message Trail mazes

File Size: 445 KB

Features daily mazes from February 2021. Each maze has a hidden message with up to 3 clues: 1 - The maze object, 2 - The type of saying and 3 - The length of the words. If you want to make your own - how to make a hidden trail maze gives you step by step instructions.

Have a book you would like to see ? Let me know by voting or making a request !