Americana Mazes - Mazes that celebrate the USA

Usually I create my maze collections with a theme in mind. I make a group of animal mazes or number mazes or name mazes. But now, since I have done my daily mazes for a few years I have the ability to be able to gather groups of mazes that fit into a theme. Today I am going to do just that by gathering together some of my Americana Mazes. A little bit of history, a little bit of holidays and a little bit of things I associate with the USA, all in maze form. I hope you enjoy !

My Top 10 Americana Mazes

The best place to start is with the flag. I have made a few different versions of the United States Flag Maze. This version is an on-line version, so you solve it by traveling on the line rather than between them like normal !

American Flag Maze

American Flag Maze

And of course, one of my most popular mazes and one that I use a lot, the Bald Eagle Maze. It is very difficult to solve. I used a vertical maze construction for the head and a horizontal for the beak. I hope you enjoy it !

bald eagle maze

Bald Eagle Maze

Two of my most favorite mazes to make (and I like how they look) were these US coin mazes. Here are my Penny Maze featuring Mr. Lincoln and the US Quarter Maze with George Washington. Both are medium difficulty.

US Penny Maze

Penny Maze

US Quarter maze

US Quarter Maze

Then we have our American sports. Definitely the leader here is football, and for some of you ‘American Football’. Hope you like this Football Maze. But the game it surpassed has been played for a long time and still has many fans so I made a Baseball Maze, or a softball maze depending on your perspective.

football maze

Football Maze

baseball maze

Baseball Maze

And how about a bit of history with this Alamo Maze. Now I have replaced this with a much more detailed maze art version that I prefer, but this one below is for kids.

The Alamo Maze for kids

The Alamo Maze

And of course a Lady Liberty Maze belongs in this collection. Or maybe more accurately, a maze of her wrist and torch. Very easy to solve.

Statue of Liberty Torch Maze

Statue of Liberty Torch Maze

You thought we were done with money ? Nope. George Washington returns for this US Dollar Bill Maze. Medium-easy difficulty but fun to solve !

US Dollar Bill Maze

US Dollar Bill Maze

And let’s end where we began, with another version of the US Flag Maze. This in a more traditional maze format.

I specialize in making maze art, mostly of buildings and signs. If you love mazes, check out my home page where I feature a new maze each week !

More posts you may like:

The 10 Most Famous Labyrinths from Around the World

Discovering 7 of the World's Most Interesting Mazes

What I learned using AI to make maze art

Laberintos de Juego de Palabras - La colección Laberinto Autológico

Introducción de laberintos autológicos. Hay docenas de estos laberintos en inglés, ahora he añadido los 10 mejores im españoles.

Mis 10 Laberintos Autológicos de Palabras

Me gusta mucho este Laberinto de Globos que parece una colección de globos multicolores. En realidad son 6 laberintos de letras individuales diferentes.

laberinto de Globos

laberinto de Globos

Y me divertí haciendo este Laberinto Roto.

laberinto de rotos

laberinto de rotos

Y este laberinto lleno de gente probablemente se inspiró mientras yo iba en el metro una mañana de camino al trabajo. Se siente lleno para mí.

laberinto de lleno

laberinto de lleno

Este Laberinto de Desaparición no es tan fácil de resolver porque cada letra de hecho desaparece.

laberinto de desaparecer

laberinto de desaparecer

Me gustaba hacer este Laberinto derretirse. Incluso hice un poco más y derretido las flechas !

laberinto derretirse

laberinto derretirse

Cartas sesgadas ayudan a dar la forma de laberinto de montaña, y a todo el mundo le gusta que los alpinistas que trabajan su camino a la cima !

laberinto de montaña

laberinto de montaña

Me divertí con este Laberinto de Cohete, girando la "E" para hacer una bonita nariz de cohete y usando una C en mayúsculas para la base.

Laberinto de Cohete,

Laberinto de Cohete,

Posiblemente mi laberinto autológico favorito es este laberinto de sombra que recibe un poco de ayuda del Sol.

laberinto de sombra

laberinto de sombra

Tuve un poco de problemas para hacer el Laberinto Partirse, pero finalmente lo descubrí.

Laberinto Partirse

Laberinto Partirse

Y por qué no terminar con este laberinto inacabado que es apropiadamente inacabado (pero todavía solucionable) !

INACABADO laberinto

Drink Mazes - A Maze Collection to make you thirsty

Tengo sed ahora. And because of that I am thinking about different drinks. While I have made many different mazes for my daily maze they are not pulled together into themed collections unless I do it in a blog post. Why would someone want a maze of drinks ? I’m not sure, but here are my top drink mazes !

My Top 10 Favorite Drink Mazes

If you you are going to have a cerveza that says BEER as the brand name it should come in a can. I think it might be illegal otherwise (guessing). This Beer Can Maze uses a horizontal maze construction. It is more complicated than it looks just because of its size. And once you are done drinking a beer in a can the only logical thing to do is crush the can. Thus, the Crushed Beer Can Maze using a free drawn construction. One of my favorite mazes !

Beer can maze

Beer Can Maze

crushed beer can maze 1.24.19.png

Crushed Beer Can Maze

Maybe that isn’t crushed enough. STEP ON IT. Much better. Crushed Can Maze.

Crushed Can Maze 9.27.19.png

Crushed Can Maze

For the fancy people who need their beer to be in a bottle. This Bottled Beer Maze uses a mixed section maze construction, part grid maze, part standard maze.

Bottled Beer Maze

Bottled Beer Maze

Let’s get all the alcoholic drinks out of the way together. Ever notice how every drink has it’s own type of special glassware ? We have a Margarita Maze (with salt and lime), a Martini Maze (with stir and olive), a Mimosa Maze (with an orange slice), and finally the Red Wine Maze (with a large wine glass).

Margarita Maze

Margarita Maze

Martini maze

Martini Maze

Mimosa Maze

Mimosa Maze

Red Wine Maze

Red Wine Maze

And now on to a few all ages beverages. We start with an Iced Tea Maze done with a cut thru maze construction, meaning you travel ON the line to solve the maze, not in between them.

Iced Tea Maze

Iced Tea Maze

Finally, we end with the Root Beer Float Maze. You either love the flavor or hate it, but adding ice cream certainly helps !

Root Beer Float Maze

Root Beer Float Maze

You can find some other Drink Mazes on the site, including a couple in the Fan Art section.

Since this list was posted I have transitioned the site to maze art..which are much better ! Check out my home page or the below links to see larger, nicer mazes !

Rock n Roll Hall of Fame Museum Maze

Pro Football Hall of Fame Museum Maze

Templo de Sangre de Cristo Laberinto

Playing Card Mazes - Challenging mazes for expert solvers

I have made a nice amount of playing card mazes for the site. A few were used to celebrate different weird holidays like National Solitaire Day (May 22nd for those of you interested) and National Playing Card Day (December 28th). But is also made some more detailed mazes that are stand alone mazes I feature in my maze art section. I consider these more about the artwork than the maze, but it is definitely a nice bonus ! Without the maze I guess it would just be a digital drawing of a playing card. Let’s look at the 2 main playing card mazes that are on the site and are VERY difficult to solve.

2023 Update: These mazes are some of my first that might be considered Maze Art. If you like them, check out my home page where you can find a new maze each week and some of my best work !

The King of Diamonds Maze

This maze was one of the first mazes I posted on my site as I was playing around with making mazes out of interesting pictures. I like the way it came out, except I scaled it so that the maze is very difficult to see without being printed out on a large sheet of paper. From a distance it looks like a grey bordered playing card instead of a maze. I also made it with MANY different possible pathways and very long false pathways (meaning you don’t know you are going the wrong way until a long time into a path). This makes for a frustrating solve. Sorry. OR, Enjoy.

King Of Diamonds Playing Card Maze

King Of Diamonds Playing Card Maze

My second playing card maze is the

Queen of Hearts Maze

because if you are going to do a Queen Maze it should be the Queen of Hearts. Again I did this maze early on for the website and designed it with very long false pathways. So again, this is a difficult maze to solve. And the scale is slightly smaller, but still has a ton of pathways. In the design I hid a heart in the center section of the maze, can you find it ?

Queen of Hearts playing card maze

Queen of Hearts playing card maze

The completes the extremely difficult part of the site. If you want to try something a much easier here is one of my old daily mazes, the Ace of Spades (Lemmy !!!)

Ace of Spades Maze

Ace of Spades Maze

Check out these mazes of famous buildings if you want:

The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Museum

The Louvre

Sydney Opera House