Dr. Giggles (1992) Movie Review

Dr. Giggles (1992) IMDB AMZN

Dr Giggles movie poster

Before I get into this review, I want to note that this is the 100th maze movie review I have done. When I started I never thought I would find so many movies with the theme, but I look forward to watching many more !

How many horror movies have you seen where a mental patient escapes from the hospital and then wreaks havoc ? Well you can add one more if you catch this one on late night television (ok, streaming). This particular mental patient wants to be a doctor and so makes his kills in doctorly ways. I wanted them to be even more over the top, but it was fine. He also tends to giggle a lot when he kills and so that is how we get his name. Anyway, during the movie we get a chase sequence at a fair that ends up in a funhouse mirror maze. Not a good place to be escaping a murderer.

Overall, this is a bad 90’s horror film that you can skip.

I give it a 5.0/10.