Hidden Message Maze challenge - Part 2

So you decided to come back for more of my hidden message challenge ! If you missed Part 1, I suggest you start there, but if you are back you know what to expect. I will show you 10 hidden message mazes. Try to figure out what it says by solving with your eyes (or any other method you want). When you are ready, scroll down and find the answer. Good Luck !

Hidden Message Maze 11

hidden message maze

“Friday”. Not sure how I would use this maze. I think the word is well hidden.

Hidden Message Maze 12

I need to tell you I constructed this differently than other mazes as a test.

hidden message maze

“Yes”. Looking back on this experiment, I would say this does not work the way I intended, If you missed this one, sorry, my bad.

Hidden Message Maze 13

hidden message maze

I like this maze a lot. Tons of false letters and words. SEE YOU SOON is the answer and this would make a nice card for someone (especially someone you haven’t seen in a long time).

Hidden Message Maze 14

hidden message maze


Hidden Message Maze 15

hidden message maze


Hidden Message Maze 16

hidden message maze

Another maze where I packed the maze with letters and possible words

Hidden Message Maze 17

hidden message maze

I tried to trick you on HELLO by placing it in a new place in the maze.

Hidden Message Maze 18

hidden message maze

I made this to be used as a greeting card, Have a nice… and then you fill in the rest with your word of choice. Day, Wedding, Vacation, Trip, Weekend, Summer…you get the idea !

Hidden Message Maze 19

hidden message maze

Surprise ! Are you ready for the final maze ?

Hidden Message Maze 20

hidden message maze

Did you believe you could solve that one ? How did you do ? Ready for Part 3 ? Spanish ? Or do you want to try some maze mistake observations ?

If you enjoyed it there are a total of 2 more hidden message challenges for you to try:

Hidden Message Maze challenge - Part 1

Hidden Message Maze challenge - Part 3

For a higher degree of difficulty try these mensajes en Español !!!!!

Laberinto De Mensajes Ocultos

And if you are good at spotting things you might also enjoy a collection of my maze mistakes !