Maze Comic Book Cover #54 - Hammer & Helm

Last year I made comic book style mazes for my mazes of the week each Monday, then made them into fun comic book covers on Tuesdays. This year I wanted to keep making the Comic book covers, so this is the first of what will be a new maze each Tuesday ! The numbering will continue as if this is a real comic book series (and it kind of is) !

Issue #54 in my comic book cover series is called Hammer & Helm and features a new maze of a Viking. The background was generated using Starryai. Check out every comic book cover maze !

Viking Maze Comic Book

This the first comic book in the yearly series. I hope you enjoy them !

To receive a book of my first year of comic book book mazes (Volume 1 with mazes #1-53) you can sign up for my book alerts - any time I launch a free maze book, or paid book (on Amazon), I will send you a note about the new book launch.