When I did voting for y maze of the year in 2022 I was surprised how many votes The Spaceship Earth at Epcot Center Maze received. I thought the maze was good (it was a finalist after all) but not top 5. It ended being voted the #2 maze ! I think it is because it brought up memories of childhood. There is something simple about the maze. Black and white. Geometric. But I wanted to see if I could improve it. Here is the original post for reference:
Maze of the Week #39 - Spaceship Earth - Epcot Center Maze
Here are the enhancements I made to improve the maze:
1. Added color. I like the black and white look but wondered if color would be better.
2. Changed Start/Goal. I switched to an internal start and goal written out vs the previous arrows to clean it up.
3. Re-sized. Originally the maze was made on 8.5 x 11 paper to facilitate printing easily, but now it is 8.5 inches square because that fits the structure better.
4. Title Changes. I changed the font for the maze title, and reduced the size of the city font vs. the title font. I also changed the location of title
5. Added branding. To the corner. Might as well get credit for my work
6. New background. I added a sky and the ground so the structure isn’t floating on the page anymore.
7. Base Changed. Previously I had some trouble getting the base right - depending on the photo it changes in shape. I re-did it to match the most common view I found.
8. Added Shadows/light. With an object like this light is always playing with the structure and changing how it looks. I added light hitting the globe on the left side, with shadows on the opposite side. I also added shadows to the right base and onto the ground.
I considered doing each panel with a shadow/light but the simpler updates look good enough.
Here is the before and after:

I prefer the new version.
Some data: The new file is 431MB from 316MB.
I will be replacing the homepage with the new maze going forward. You can find the maze download there !
If you like this type of content check out all of my case studies:
A Collection of Maze Design Case Studies to Improve your Mazes
What I've Learned Making Mazes
Happy maze-ing !