My 2024 Year in Review

This is my year end review for the website to reflect on what I accomplished for the year. I do this post each year and I keep the previous years data.…so 6 years of progress !! Here are my other posts about the year:

My top 5 YouTube Videos from 2024

My 10 biggest blog posts of the year

My favorite mazes from 2024 - VOTE

2024 Maze of the Week Review - Mazes of the Week 105 - 158

My 2025 Website Outlook

2024 logo

And now the data for the year:

Weekly (Daily) Mazes posted:

2024: 53 - Mazes of the Week, each with an alternative colorway !

2023: 52 - Mazes of the week - see all 52 in this video !

2022: 54 - Mazes of the week

2021: 640 - daily mazes with some Spanish language variations

2020: 366 - daily mazes

2019: 365 - daily mazes

So overall there were 106 mazes this year with the variations. I like the weekly maze vs. the daily maze and don’t see myself ever going back !

Blog Posts:

2024: 227

2023: 192 (189 remain on the site)

2022: 132 (119 remain on the site)

2021: 291 (207 remain on the site)

2020: 102 (84 remain on the site)

2019: 26 (12 remain on the site)

If you want to read the blog posts that remain, check out my blog index. I anticipate less blog posts in 2025 as I reduce my writing schedule to focus on creating mazes ! But 970 blog posts about mazes and labyrinths since the website started is a lot !

Name Mazes Made

2024: 220

2023: 104

2022: 13

2021: 4

2020: 247

2019: 1,499

Since 2021 I have only been doing doing maze name requests when they were submitted. I had many teachers reach out for classrooms full of unique names ! I think I rank well for this on many search engines so I get a lot of maze name traffic !

Books posted online:

2024: 0

2023: 0

2022: 2

2021: 12

2020: 8

2019: 19

I re-published 1 book with some changes to make it more kid friendly…I anticipate this number changing in 2025 !

Books Published on Amazon:

2024: 0

2023: 0

2022: 0

2021: 13

2020: 0

2019: 0

I am working on a new book now. I expect to launch multiple new books in the Fall. Drop me an email if you want to be alerted when I launch a new book.

Website Traffic growth:

2024: + 33% LY

2023: + 36% LY

2022: + 47% LY

2021: + 242% LY

2020: +1000% PL

2019: **

And the bigger you get the harder it is to grow even larger in the future. Unless SEO suddenly likes me (or doesn’t). I made some changes to the site in October. Let’s see if they help grow the site in 2025 !

Different countries visiting the site:

2024: 200 according to Google analytics. Depending on how you count the # of countries, that means just about every country. Except North Korea….and I will need to research to see if anyone else is missing.

2023: 169 - I changed how I track this and think the 100 below might have been inaccurate. Out of 195 or so depending on the list you look at.

2022: 100

2021: 100

2020: 99

2019: 20

YouTube Views:

2024: 1,972

2023: 2,245

2022: 303

2021: 264

The channel is not doing well. I have no plans for videos in 2025 unless I figure out a new format that might work !

YouTube Subscribers:

2024: 31

2023: 17

2022: 6

2021: 3

Considering the numbers of videos on the channel this is terrible.


I have no idea how to quantify this, but I have a Pinterest Page. It is small. I don’t do much there. Here is my traffic from there to my site:

2024: 1,091 + 343% LY

2023: 318

Large growth as a percent, but a small part of the traffic to the site. I am sure I will focus on this in 2025 for one good week at least….

So that is my year in review. I have a plan for 2025 which is one of my next blog posts. Expect more mazes that hopefully people like !