The Art of Mazes: A Collection of AI Created Mazes and Labyrinths - Part 2

In Part 1 of this series I exclusively used StarryAI to create over 30 maze and labyrinth images. Today, in Part 2 I will use 5 other AI text to image generators to create a variety of interesting images of mazes and labyrinths.

For all images I include the Al text to image generator I used and prompt that I used. I hope you enjoy the creations and they inspire your own creations!

AI Image Generator - A labyrinth designed by Piet Mondrian in his traditional bright red bright yellow and bright blue colors

Not quite what I was looking for, but I like the way it came out anyway.

AI Image Generator -  A labyrinth designed by Piet Mondrian

Craiyon - Fantasy labyrinth by MC Escher

A tried and true prompt I like to use for labyrinths, MC Escher. Not what I expected but nice to look at anyway.

Craiyon - Fantasy labyrinth by MC Escher

Craiyon - A maze made of pipes

I love pipe mazes. I love to make them and have considered making a full book of 100 of them for Amazon. Maybe someday. Until then I get to create them here. Interesting that the pipes are green.

Craiyon - A maze made of pipes

Craiyon - A maze made of numbers and letters from many different alphabets

The output looks like letters from an Asian alphabet or two, possibly Korean...maybe a speaker of Korean sees something interesting here ? Either way, htis concept of making walls out of letters is one that could be cool. Also a hidden message maze would be cool.

Craiyon - A maze made of numbers and letters from many different alphabets

Dream by Wombo - a maze inside a maze inside a maze spectral style

I wonder about the building or tent (what is it?) in the background. What could be in there that needs just a large labyrinth to protect it ?

Dream by Wombo - a maze inside a maze inside a maze spectral style

Dream by Wombo - a maze inside a maze inside a maze steampunk style

When you find a prompt that works, tweak it a bit and keep going. I wanted this to be more steam-punky if that makes sense to you and less like a painting. I think with some work this prompt could be epic.

Dream by Wombo - a maze inside a maze inside a maze steampunk style

Dream by Wombo - a maze inside a maze inside a maze surreal style

3 in a row and the best of the 3. That labyrinth goes on for miles and miles into the landscape.

Dream by Wombo - a maze inside a maze inside a maze surreal style

Dream by Wombo - middle ages labyrinth in a city

At first I thought there were 3 labyrinths but this is designed as 1. This is on the outskirts of the city in the background on the right. Imagine this as the main plaza in a city.

Dream by Wombo - middle ages labyrinth in a city

StableDiffusion - a fantasy maze at sunset overlooking the horizon

This looks like it might be a real hedge maze but placed near a wat in Asia. I think this could be made into something great with some adjustments !

StableDiffusion - a fantasy maze at sunset overlooking the horizon

StableDiffusion - A maze in the city of Gotham, highly detailed

If this was an actual maze with that amount of detail it would be epic. As much as I want to take this and make it myself, this looks like something that would take a significant amount of time.

StableDiffusion - A maze in the city of Gotham, highly detailed

StableDiffusion - Pablo Picasso hedge maze

Full disclosure I have tried this prompt many times with many sites and they usually lead to disappointment. This is the best output.

StableDiffusion - Pablo Picasso hedge maze

ToolBaz - a large labyrinth in a valley carved into the stone with a tower in the center, fantasy painting style

I just like it. It looks like a stone maze covered in some moss. possibly with some trees spread around throughout.

ToolBaz - a large labyrinth in a valley carved into the stone with a tower in the center, fantasy painting style

ToolBaz - a large room with a maze on the ceiling

If I ever open a maze museum I want this to be the ceiling.

ToolBaz - a large room with a maze on the ceiling

ToolBaz - assorted prompts, see descriptions.

ToolBaz has some suggestions based on the prompts you write and these are a few that came up based on mine, made by them, all excellent. This is one of the great features of the site.

I hope you enjoyed this exploration using AI to create maze and labyrinth images. Happy mazing !

The Art of Mazes: A Collection of AI-Created Mazes and Labyrinths

I spent an entire month creating and reviewing AI text to image generators. You can read the 15 part series here (link is to Part 1 of the 15) where I look at 12 different AI’s and see how they do generating the same prompts. I learned which sites I liked the most and after playing around I learned how to write better prompts. While sites cannot actually make solvable mazes (yet), they can make wonderful looking scenes and objects with maze and labyrinth themes. Today I am going to share with you the 15 different prompts and 31 total images that I created using StarryAI. In Part 2 I will use other AI text to image generators to create images.

For all images I include the prompt that I used. These prompts are shown in order and you can see how I got better with my asks as I went along !

StarryAI - A 3D hedge maze shown from above in the garden

The hedges are a bit too perfect. Imagine a gardener being that good and nature cooperating with perfect consistent green throughout the plants. I like the building in the background. Notice the maze is not actually a passable maze.

starryai - A 3D hedge maze shown from above in the garden

StarryAI - Hedge maze in the style of MC Escher

I find that even if a prompt is not followed well it can still produce interesting outputs. This is an example of that. Not really hedge or MC Escher IMO. I like the mazelike structure moving off into the distance.

StarryAI - Hedge maze in the style of MC Escher

StarryAI - MC Escher Fantasy Labyrinth

I find that long and detailed prompts work well, but sometimes so do short ones where the AI fills in it’s own blanks and uses it’s own creativity. This looks much more like MC Escher than the prompt above!

StarryAI - MC Escher Fantasy Labyrinth

StarryAI - Labyrinth, Concept Art

And here I went ultra-simple prompt and got 4 interesting outputs. These are not places I would want to go into without a map and a guide.

StarryAI - Comic Book maze

What this looks like to me, despite the prompt given is a maze of cubicles on the floor of an endless office building. For those of you who sit an a cubicle this is some clown level horror. No thanks.

StarryAI - Comic Book maze

StarryAI - Office Cubicles make a maze

And 2 minutes later I wanted to see what would happen if I put that prompt in…not perfect but so terrifying.

StarryAI - Office Cubicles make a maze

StarryAI - A Labyrinth in the City of Metropolis

Again, not really what I asked for, but cool looking anyway. If you are flexible with what is generated you get some really interesting images like this one !

StarryAI - A Labyrinth in the City of Metropolis

StarryAI - A Labyrinth in the City of Gotham

You can see how my mind works base on the prompts. I was looking for a dark moody feel using Gotham. I had to include all 4 because i liked them so much !

StarryAI - A Labyrinth, Dan Mumford style

I went simple here and did not note anything particular. Once again less was more with 4 nice images generated !

StarryAI - A battle between evil demons in hell taking place in a maze, Fantasy Art, Hyper detailed.

Just what I was looking for. Not a place you want to be.

StarryAI - A Medieval Labyrinth, Johan Grenier style

The second one what what I expected, but the first, the circular one shown from above it very interesting. Let’s say you are in a movie and you come upon this hole in the forest with labyrinth pathways leading down into the darkness. I think we have the start of a fantasy/adventure quest or maybe a horror movie on our hands.

StarryAI - A Labyrinth in ancient Japan, Victo Ngai style

Perfect styling a colors IMO.

StarryAI - A Labyrinth in ancient Japan, Victo Ngai style

StarryAI - A Labyrinth constructed from natural materials

3 of the 4 generations were interesting to me.

StarryAI - MC Escher Labyrinth in 3D on another planet

I went back to MCE to see what I could finagle from the AI. And this one the one I like the best. It makes me want to make a maze based on this concept

StarryAI - MC Escher Labyrinth in 3D on another planet

StarryAI - Fantasy Labyrinth, hyper detailed, digital painting

I absolutely love these !

I hope you enjoyed this exploration of using StarryAI to create maze and labyrinth images. Come back for Part 2 where I use other AI’s to generate cool images !

An exploration into AI Image Maze Generation

AI generated art is changing and challenging the art world. There are questions we are dealing with that are coming at us quickly and have yet to be answered by society (or in some cases, the courts). What is ethical and unethical when creating AI artwork ? Can you copyright AI artwork ? (So far courts have said they will rule on a case by case basis). What learning inputs can and should be used to create AI art (and what should not) ? There are already many lawsuits about this. Can an AI generated piece of art be entered into a contest against humans and win ethically ? Will fake images be created of newsworthy events that are fake ? Yes. In the past US courts have said they will only grant copyrights to human beings…maybe you remember the lawsuit about the selfie by the monkey Naruto. Now courts will have to deal with AI and all the layers that entails. I don’t know the answers to these questions, but they will be figured out soon (probably). What I want to explore with you is the making of a specific kind of art using AI, maze art. It is what I like to do, and what this entire website is dedicated to. In a series of posts, I want to size up the AI competition. There will not be a focus on humans with their complicated hands and fingers to mess up the AI image generators, so I think we will be ok.

I picked 10 prompts which I am going to use on a variety of AI image sites (honestly - the free ones for now) and see what they come up with. I am not sure what I will find, but I am going to take you along for the ride. I am excited to see what they come up with.

Here is an overview the AI artwork blog post series:

  1. Explanation of the exercise - An exploration into Al Image Maze Generation (this post)

  2. Making mazes with AI: Site A

  3. Making mazes with AI: Site B

  4. Making mazes with AI: etc…

  5. Making mazes with AI:

  6. Making mazes with AI:

  7. Making mazes with AI:

  8. Making mazes with AI:

  9. Making mazes with AI:

  10. Making mazes with AI:

  11. Making mazes with AI:

  12. Comparison of 10 AI generating websites - Who did each maze the best ?

  13. Learnings from making mazes with AI, look to the future

What do I hope to accomplish ?

  • See what the competition is. How good is the output.

  • Become more familiar with what AI image generators are capable of

  • Evaluate and compare the different sites to determine how well they create based on my prompts

  • Be inspired (hopefully)

  • Answer the question: Can I compete with AI generated maze art ?

For my featured image for this post I asked StarryAI (one of the AI text to image generators I will review in the series) to generate an image based on the title of this post. Here is what I got:

A picture representing AI

Not what I expected, but certainly interesting ! Hope you enjoy the series.