Maze of the Week #99 - Berlin Planetarium

Maze of the Week #99 takes us to the capital of Germany, with a maze of the Berlin Planetarium, and specifically the Zeiss-Großplanetarium (Zeiss Grand Planetarium). This maze has a lot of similarities to my maze of Spaceship Earth at Epcot Center. I visited Berlin and really enjoyed the city a lot but am upset that I did not visit this planetarium.

YouTube: In German, but at 10 second mark you get a good look at the building !

Photo: flickr, hosszuka. I like the skyline shadows on the planetarium in this photo.

flickr, hosszuka

The Maze: Black and white. Draw and cut construction. I considered hiding a message in the solution…but did not ?

Berlin Planetarium Maze

Berlin Planetarium Maze

I hope you enjoy the maze. Maze download is available on the homepage. Please check out my YouTube channel where you can watch this maze being made and solved!!

Coming next week:

Maze #100 - A large scale maze I hope you’ll love !

Maze of the Week #94 - BMW Welt Building

Maze of the Week #94 is of the BMW Welt Building in Munich, Germany. Apparently you can pick-up your car here if you buy a BMW in Germany. You can plan your visit on the BMW Welt website, and make sure to take some time to visit the BMW Museum across the street. It is free to visit and is one of the most visited tourist attractions in Germany.

YouTube: A 3 minute look at the building and museum.

Photo: Diego Delso

Diego Delso, CC BY-SA 3.0 <>, via Wikimedia Commons

The Maze: Black and White. Would look good with some shadows - maybe I add some in the future !

BMW Welt Maze

BMW Welt Building Maze

I hope you enjoy the maze. Maze Download is available. Please check out my YouTube channel where you can watch this maze being made and solved!!

Coming next week:

a maze of a lighthouse