My most popular mazes from 2022 were famous buildings from around the world. It inspired me to look for more buildings to maze like Maze of the Week #67, the Taj Mahal. Certainly this is a building that most of the world has heard of ! Completed in 1648, it is still an amazing structure located in Agra, Uttar Pradesh, India. Check out this video showing the grounds and inside !
Photo: flickr, Christopher John SSF
Maze explanation: To add more detail to the structure I made this a poster sized maze. The size is 43 x 28 and it is difficult to solve printed on small pieces of paper. Also, because of the detail I had to work around a lot of things to create the maze - so I created 2 ! The main maze is from tower to tower, with a bonus maze in the central dome.
Taj Mahal Maze explanation
And the maze: Huge and black and white
Taj Mahal Maze
I hope you enjoy the maze. Maze download is available on the site. A also did a case study on improving the maze.
Case Study#9 - Improving a Maze - Taj Mahal
Coming next week:
A sign maze