As a maker and designer of mazes I appreciate a good solution to a maze. My favorite mazes are all fun to solve and nice to look at. I think I have done both with this maze of the Museo Soumaya in Mexico City, Mexico. I featured the maze on this website as Maze of the week #53. It has it’s own section on the website, and I have written about the maze before, so why the extra attention ?
Well I am a fan of hidden message mazes. A maze that looks normal, but the solution has a message for the solver. Here are 2 blog posts where I show you how to make your own (2 different types):
How to Make A Hidden Message Maze
How to Make a Hidden Message Trail Maze
And of course I made some templates (4 different) to help you make “mazed” letters if you are interested in creating your own mazes:
Hidden Message Maze Letter Design templates
Or maybe you aren’t interested in making mazes and just want to challenge yourself by glancing at a maze and trying to figure out the message hidden inside. I did this in 4 parts:
Hidden Message Challenge - Part 1
Hidden Message Challenge - Part 2
Hidden Message Challenge - Part 3
Y tambien en Espanol !
Desafío Laberinto de mensajes ocultos
And if you did not click through to the challenges here is one of them for fun. What does this hidden message maze say ?
How did you do ? Either way, that is an example of a hidden message maze.
By now you may have forgotten what brought about that sidebar. Well the question about the Museo Soumaya - “why the extra attention ?”. Well, because I gave it a creative solution and that solution is even more hidden than a typical maze I make. I dare say it is completely hidden ! Let’s look at the maze. Do you see the answer ?
Museo Soumaya Maze
To download the maze and solve it yourself click here.
Or just watch the solution on my YouTube channel below. When do you figure out the surprise ?
If you enjoyed that video. I show the making and solving of my mazes on my new channel. I release a new maze every Monday and most (but not all) have each of the 2 videos.