Maze of the Week #49 - Temple of Kukulcán Maze

Maze of the week #49 features a maze of the Temple of Kukulcán at Chichen Itza in Mexico. The more you learn about this pyramid, the more amazing it becomes. The acoustics mimic the sounds of local birds. There is a feathered serpent that crawls down the pyramid near the equinoxes. It has a hidden component (no spoilers) inside it. I want to visit ! You can read about it here, but I suggest you invest the time in the episode below !

There have been 90+ episodes of the TV Series Unearthed and the very first featured this pyramid, a wonderful honor. If you have time to sit and watch the full episode (43 minutes) it is worth it.

Let’s look at a photo of the pyramid:

Temple of Kukulcán

Temple of Kukulcán Ewen Roberts flickr

The Maze: One version. Black and White. Large paper is better to solve. In fact because I went all out on the details of individual stones….it is even difficult to tell this is a maze.

Chich'en Itza Pyramid Maze

Temple of Kukulcán Maze

I hope you enjoy the maze. Download is available on the homepage

Coming next week:

A maze of a famous sign