In the 1982 during the height of arcades jammed with people trying to play another maze game, Pac-Man, Atari came out with a scrolling maze game called Entombed. It seems to be an attempt to capitalize on the maze/chase game play of Pac-Man but with the bonus of a scrolling screen !!! It was not very popular. At one point you could buy it for 82% off based on the picture of the box front I found.
Entombed appears to be on sale for $3.99 from $22.99. 82% off !!
The story of Entombed the game is you are an archaeologist and have fallen into catacombs filled with zombies. You need to get away from them without getting stuck in a dead end (and thus entombed). I guess dead end has a new meaning here. There is also a “Make-break” block and if you capture it you are able to make a wall or break thru a wall - great for escaping those pesky zombies. Personally I prefer Daryl’s crossbow or Michonne’s katana, but a make-break is fine. The longer you survive the faster the gameplay becomes as was pretty standard with games from this time.
The interesting aspect of the game is that because of the amount of data needed to generate mazes was too big to be stored on the hardware an algorithm was written that generates a maze on the fly as the game is played. That means each time you play the game the maze will be different ! Pretty ingenious.
There has also been a collegiate paper done exploring the history of the game and discussing the reverse engineering of the game by John Ayock and Tara Copplestone called Entombed:An archaeological examination of an Atari 2600 game. It is an interesting, but technical 33 page read.
The graphics of the game look very 1982. And the gameplay appears to be….well….. also very 1982. I guess it would become more interesting with 2 players playing at the same time ?
Here is a look at some game play from The No Swear Gamer:
So if you want to enjoy mazes in video game form, try this classic game from 1982….or maybe just go with Pac-Man. Either one. But, Pac-Man.
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