How Corn Mazes are Made - A Collection of Corn Maze Videos

It is October and that means we are on the road (Elm St.) to Halloween (How about some Halloween mazes?). That also means it is time for haunted houses - typically a type of labyrinth - think about it and also corn mazes. Let’s talk about corn mazes a bit. I spend a lot of time talking about what labyrinths you can visit around the US using the wonderful website Labyrinth locator. Well did you know there is also a website that features corn mazes ? The map can be found here on the mazeplay site. So, hopefully you can find a maze to visit near you !

Previously I went through my favorite labyrinth and maze videos (My Favorite Maze and Labyrinth Videos), and it included some really cool cats, a hamster and lots of information. I enjoyed it. But there was one thing that I didn’t cover in that post and that was Corn Mazes (or Maize Mazes). The reason ? Because there are a LOT of really fun videos to watch on the subject and I thought they needed their own post. This is that post.

My Favorite Corn Maze Videos

Let’s start with the back office look at how these get designed and made (or maybe more accurately plowed). But I love to see them being made ! Really amazing work. This video is of the Treinen Farm in Lodi, Wisconsin. You can plan a visit here and on their site I learned they had won an award as one of the 10 best corn mazes in the USA !

Here is a great story of a family farm with how they have used a corn maze to keep a farm in the family as an additional income stream. Located in Thurmont, Maryland at Lawyer’s Winterbrook Farm the farm also features 30 foot junkbots ! You can plan a trip here.

Here is a quick 3 minute conversation that speaks to how Maze Play uses GPS to cut a corn maze. This features a maze from Mark’s Melon Patch in Albany, Georgia. Their corn maze is open in October and November each year and you can plan a trip here or just visit to pick up some pumpkins !

And this shows some great aerial views of corn mazes that look like art ! Lots of variety and really interesting designs ! Features the work of landscape artist Will Sillin on Mike Wissemann's farm in Massachusetts.

And this is just a small sampling of what you can find about corn mazes on YouTube. Of course now your algorithm is changed and they will pop up for you automatically. Enjoy !! I find myself getting lost in this type of content and then it goes away for awhile….and then months later it is back !

a large difficult corn on the cob maze

A Corn Maze, but not the kind we are talking about today.

Want to boost your algorithm even more ? Check out these posts !

My YouTube channel where you can watch mazes being made.

7 Videos on Maze making

The 10 Most Famous Labyrinths from Around the World

My Favorite Maze and Labyrinth Videos

I go on YouTube sometimes and I get lost for hours. It really sucks my time away and stops me from getting things done. You’ve been there too ? At least with some of the things I watch I come away as a smarter person (Don’t I?). Well today I am going to use YouTube to my advantage. I’m going to use it to show you some of the wormholes I have gone down. And it’s all about mazes and labyrinths. So let’s get your algorithm ready to be changed !! First, you should check out my YouTube channel. I make and solve the weekly mazes in video form. Maybe even subscribe.

My Favorite Maze and Labyrinth Videos

Let’s start with a cat video because that is how the internet was invented (Probably). And the cute factor is high because it’s kittens !!!!

Now a quick feature on the Godfather of Mazes Adrian Fisher with some great aerial video of some of his work from around the world. Check out the thumbnail of this hedge maze !

Everyone loves a good countdown list, in a blog or a vlog. Here is a video showing the 15 Most confusing mazes in the physical world. As someone who makes mazes on paper and on screens I love and respect these large scale projects !

Oh, you thought we were done with cat videos. Nope. No. NO. MORE CAT VIDEOS !!!! I love the YouTube Channel Kittisaurus. If you like cats you already know this channel. highly recommended.

And let’s keep the animal theme going with a great Hamster Maze with some nice Super Mario theme work !

Time to look at some labyrinth videos ! While most of things I watch are fun and interesting I do like the occasional educational. With labyrinths that is a lot of what you find, like these 2 informational videos:

How about a top 10 list ? Got it !

Great thumbnail from VSauce.

And we have a video from National Geographic about mazes that features a maze at the National Atrium Museum in Washington DC.

And I just had to add this long video (all 44 minutes of it) from Forge Labs that features a giant haunted maze in Minecraft.

And you can’t have YouTube without MrBeast. Here are 2 videos of a $10K maze challenge. He also did a laser maze challenge !

I found this maze of a spider on YouTube and wanted to share it. This is really detailed and wonderful ! My personal YouTube channel has a way to go before I get to this but this gives me something to strive for ! It is by K Lars Lohn of Corvalis, Oregon, the owner of While this video is impressive, check out his website for more amazing maze art !

And of course, while all of the above creators have millions of subscribers, I currently have less than 30. Here is a video of one of my mazes being made. I like it.

And we haven’t touched on corn mazes yet (called maize mazes in some countries). But I love to see them being made ! The problem is there are so many videos I like they get their own post !

How Corn mazes are Made - A Collection of Corn Maze Videos

Ok, did you enjoy our exploration on YouTube ? I did. Now your algorithm is nice a tilted towards this content. Expect to see much more of it now in your recommendations !