Making mazes with AI: Bing AI Image Generator

Welcome to the 13th in a series of posts where I will test AI image generators and see how they handle making maze art. I will be asking 10 prompts and seeing what gets generated. My goal is to evaluate different AI image sites against each other to see how they perform. In my first post I discussed the project, and today we start with the first site evaluation: Bing AI Image Generator which is powered by DallE. Here is the series so far:

An exploration into Al Image Maze Generation

Making mazes with AI: DallE2

Making mazes with AI: Stable Diffusion

Making mazes with AI: Craiyon

Making mazes with AI: Dream by Wombo

Making mazes with AI: Nightcafe

Making mazes with AI: StarryAI

Making mazes with AI: DeepAI

Making mazes with AI: Canva

Making mazes with AI: AI Image Generator

Making mazes with AI: ToolBaz

Making mazes with AI: Photosonic

Making Maze Art with BING AI Image generator

You can access the website here. You must sign in to your Microsoft account. As of this post there is no limit to the number of prompts you can ask for, and it is free to use. Each prompt, or generation from will generate 4 image options. For this exercise I chose the one closest to what I had asked for, or the most interesting.

Prompt 1 - Make a medium difficulty maze of the Eiffel Tower in black and white with arrows at the start and finish

I see the Eiffel Tower. This is a really cool interpretation for a maze. The other options were more traditional, but this one is so interesting ! I even see an arrow of some sort at the top above the tower.

Prompt 2 - Draw a medium difficulty large maze of the Empire State Building with the start and goal embedded in the structure

Wow. Such an interesting take on a maze of the ESB. All 4 options were good.

Prompt 3 - Draw a difficult maze of the White House pixel art style

It is pixel art style. It has a white house in the center of the image but not really the White House.

Prompt 4 - Draw a difficult maze that looks like a drawing of a famous building in sketch style

This IS a sketch of a building maze, just not a famous building. Still I like how it came out !

Prompt 5 - Draw a maze in the style of of a skyscraper in NYC

None of the 4 was in my style (in fact each had a different style to it), but this is the closest. Could easily be for the Empire State Building prompt above.

Prompt 6 - Draw a maze in the style of Sean C Jackson of a scene from a large outdoor market

This is really good. The style is a bit off but it captured what was asked for better than anything.

Prompt 7 - Make a maze of a slice of an orange in color

I wasn’t sure what I was looking for. I think this is it !

Prompt 8 - Make a maze integrated on top of a photograph of a king sitting on his throne looking cantankerous beside his beautiful queen

Weird. Be specific in what you are asking for !

Prompt 9 - Make a solvable maze that is very large and very difficult to solve because it is so complex

I like the idea of this guy lost in a maze where he is so tall he should be able to see his way out ? Am I wrong about this ?

Prompt 10 - Make a 3d render of a red and blue glossy cube maze

4 shown because all were interesting and none was better than another. None are a maze. Glossy or Shiny ?

How did Bing AI Image Generator do ? I think it had a strong showing. I expect it do do well against the other AI’s. It showed it can use a variety of styles and never got tripped up completely with any of the prompts. I will use this again for sure !

Coming next: Comparison of the 12 AI generating websites

Making mazes with AI: Photosonic

Welcome to the 12th in a series of posts where I will test AI image generators and see how they handle making maze art. I will be asking 10 prompts and seeing what gets generated. My goal is to evaluate different AI image sites against each other to see how they perform. If you need to catch-up here is the series so far:

An exploration into Al Image Maze Generation

Making mazes with AI: DallE2

Making mazes with AI: Stable Diffusion

Making mazes with AI: Craiyon

Making mazes with AI: Dream by Wombo

Making mazes with AI: Nightcafe

Making mazes with AI: StarryAI

Making mazes with AI: DeepAI

Making mazes with AI: Canva

Making mazes with AI: AI Image Generator

Making mazes with AI: ToolBaz

Making Maze Art with Photosonic

Today I test out Photosonic. You can access the website here. You must sign-in to use the site and you are given 10 free credits to create with. Each prompt, or generation will generate 2 images. You may choose between 10 different styles and 3 different sizes. All prompts I use are the same for each site !

Prompt 1 - Make a medium difficulty maze of the Eiffel Tower in black and white with arrows at the start and finish

I like how the apparent maze around the Eiffel Tower is made by buildings and enormous hedges (possibly trees).

Prompt 2 - Draw a medium difficulty large maze of the Empire State Building with the start and goal embedded in the structure

Looks like the ESB in NYC. Why do they often generate without the needle ?

Prompt 3 - Draw a difficult maze of the White House pixel art style

I am a big fan of this White House, and if the grid was a maze instead this would be great !

Prompt 4 - Draw a difficult maze that looks like a drawing of a famous building in sketch style

Have a child draw a maze of a Christmas tree in black and white.

Prompt 5 - Draw a maze in the style of of a skyscraper in NYC

Weird building.

Prompt 6 - Draw a maze in the style of Sean C Jackson of a scene from a large outdoor market

I like the colors. Is this taking place on a roof of a brick building ?

Prompt 7 - Make a maze of a slice of an orange in color

This person uses a knife creatively.

Prompt 8 - Make a maze integrated on top of a photograph of a king sitting on his throne looking cantankerous beside his beautiful queen

I think I saw that queen in a horror movie before.

Prompt 9 - Make a solvable maze that is very large and very difficult to solve because it is so complex

I should mention I selected “fantasy” instead of the normal “illustration”. It was like swinging for the fences in baseball, I was going for a home run…but I think I struck out.

Prompt 10 - Make a 3d render of a red and blue glossy cube maze

This has potential. I could see an experimental maze made in this style.

How did Photosonic do ? Just like ToolBaz I liked the prompts shown below the generations more than the things I created. I think this will help me create better prompts in the future. I like the wide variety of styles used.

Coming next: Bing AI Image Generator , our last site before reviewing everything we did

Making mazes with AI: ToolBaz

Welcome to the 11th in a series of posts where I will test AI image generators and see how they handle making maze art. I will be asking 10 prompts and seeing what gets generated. My goal is to evaluate different AI image sites against each other to see how they perform. If you need to catch-up here is the series so far:

An exploration into Al Image Maze Generation

Making mazes with AI: DallE2

Making mazes with AI: Stable Diffusion

Making mazes with AI: Craiyon

Making mazes with AI: Dream by Wombo

Making mazes with AI: Nightcafe

Making mazes with AI: StarryAI

Making mazes with AI: DeepAI

Making mazes with AI: Canva

Making mazes with AI: AI Image Generator

Making Maze Art with ToolBaz

Today I test out ToolBaz. You can access the website here. You can just go to the website and start using it , there is no sign-in or anything. Each prompt, or generation will generate 1 image. You may also choose between 3 size outputs (Small, Medium, Large). When you generate an image you see similar ones below it - check them out as you work ! All prompts I use are the same for each site !

Prompt 1 - Make a medium difficulty maze of the Eiffel Tower in black and white with arrows at the start and finish

2 half Eiffel Towers. I see an arrow ! and maybe a lamp that looks like an arrow !

Prompt 2 - Draw a medium difficulty large maze of the Empire State Building with the start and goal embedded in the structure

A U shaped building with a red trashcan out front ?

Prompt 3 - Draw a difficult maze of the White House pixel art style

Maybe that is a white house in the middle with a brown door. And the maze is technically a maze I think - I can move from a border opening to another border opening.

Prompt 4 - Draw a difficult maze that looks like a drawing of a famous building in sketch style

I see a door ! There were like a dozen related images that others made with different prompts that I really liked. Maybe the problem is me ?

Prompt 5 - Draw a maze in the style of of a skyscraper in NYC

I thin kthe caption captures the essence of this better than anything I could ever write: “Maztet Lojze !”

Prompt 6 - Draw a maze in the style of Sean C Jackson of a scene from a large outdoor market

It has potential. The coloration, a maze intermixed with (not quite) a scene.

Prompt 7 - Make a maze of a slice of an orange in color

Better than most.

Prompt 8 - Make a maze integrated on top of a photograph of a king sitting on his throne looking cantankerous beside his beautiful queen

This is close to the directions even if it looks blah. The widows peak on the king is……….special.

Prompt 9 - Make a solvable maze that is very large and very difficult to solve because it is so complex

Not so good.

Prompt 10 - Make a 3d render of a red and blue glossy cube maze

Interesting. I like it.

How did ToolBaz do ? Well, I have to say I found many images that I liked that were made from related but different prompts. That was not what this project was about, but those options were excellent. It is as if the AI was saying I can’t make your prompt into something cool but here are examples of great generations and the prompts that made them. So if you are not looking for something specific this seems excellent.

Coming Next: Photosonic

Making mazes with AI: AI Image Generator

Welcome to the 10th in a series of posts where I will test AI image generators and see how they handle making maze art. I will be asking 10 prompts and seeing what gets generated. My goal is to evaluate different AI image sites against each other to see how they perform. If you need to catch-up here is the series so far:

An exploration into Al Image Maze Generation

Making mazes with AI: DallE2

Making mazes with AI: Stable Diffusion

Making mazes with AI: Craiyon

Making mazes with AI: Dream by Wombo

Making mazes with AI: Nightcafe

Making mazes with AI: StarryAI

Making mazes with AI: DeepAI

Making mazes with AI: Canva

Making Maze Art with AI Image Generator

Today I test out AI Image Generator. You can access the website here. At the time of this writing it is ranked #1 on Google search for AI image generation (makes sense with that name). You can just go to the website and start using it , there is no sign-in or anything. Each prompt, or generation will generate 1 image. I found that the site would error out a lot, and during my 10 prompts I got about an equal number or errors. All prompts I use are the same for each site !

Prompt 1 - Make a medium difficulty maze of the Eiffel Tower in black and white with arrows at the start and finish

It is almost a maze map of the city surrounding the Eiffel Tower which is a really nice idea, but it isn’t quite that.

Prompt 2 - Draw a medium difficulty large maze of the Empire State Building with the start and goal embedded in the structure

I see the base of the ESB and the core…with the top, actually 2 tops on each side of the building…

Prompt 3 - Draw a difficult maze of the White House pixel art style


Prompt 4 - Draw a difficult maze that looks like a drawing of a famous building in sketch style

I like the angles in the mazelike drawing that looks nothing like any famous building I can think of.

Prompt 5 - Draw a maze in the style of of a skyscraper in NYC

Almost a maze. Not close to NYC or really a building either.

Prompt 6 - Draw a maze in the style of Sean C Jackson of a scene from a large outdoor market

No market. It looks like a maze within a labyrinth which is a fun idea !

Prompt 7 - Make a maze of a slice of an orange in color

I have never seen a slice of oranges cut into a square piece before.

Prompt 8 - Make a maze integrated on top of a photograph of a king sitting on his throne looking cantankerous beside his beautiful queen

Not even close.

Prompt 9 - Make a solvable maze that is very large and very difficult to solve because it is so complex

So large is this maze that it must be completely off the page. Is that a small man standing in the middle ?

Prompt 10 - Make a 3d render of a red and blue glossy cube maze

Not bad. Not good either.

How did AI Image Generator do ? Once you get past all the errors it made some interesting concepts that could be used as inspiration for other mazes. I would not recommend it otherwise.

Coming Next: ToolBaz