How to Draw a 3 Circuit Square Labyrinth

Drawing a classical 3 circuit square labyrinth is both easy and fun once you learn the starting pattern and the rules of building the pathways. Follow this simple 5 step process and draw your own 3 circuit classical square labyrinth.

Step 1: Draw the starting seed pattern.

The starting seed pattern for this labyrinth is not the typical plus sign you may be used to. Instead it is 3 vertical lines, with 2 horizontal lines. The horizontal line on the left aligns with the bottom of the 3 vertical lines, while on the right side it aligns with the top of the vertical lines. Each line is the same length. See below:

3 Circuit Labyrinth Square starting seed pattern

3 Circuit Labyrinth Square starting seed pattern

Step 2: Draw the center goal

At the 2 rightmost vertical lines draw a line up one grid. This will become the opening to the center goal. Draw a square centered on top of this. Grid-wise this is a 3x3 square.

Making a 3 circuit Square Labyrinth step 2

3 Circuit Square Labyrinth - Step 2 - Draw the Goal

Step 3: Draw the next level

Connect the top of the remaining left vertical line to the far corner of the right horizontal line. It is an upside-down squared U shape started with a small horizontal move on the left side. See below.

Making a 3 circuit Square Labyrinth step 3

3 Circuit Labyrinth - Step 3 - Draw the next arch

Step 4: Draw the next level

Connect the left side of the horizontal line around the structure clockwise until it reaches the end of the rightmost vertical line. Again this creates an upside-down square U shape plus a horizontal connection in the last section. See below.

Making a 3 circuit Square Labyrinth step 4

3 Circuit Square Labyrinth - Step 4 - Draw the next arch

Step 5: Connect the final arch from the left

Connect the ends of the bottoms of the final 2 vertical lines around the structure to complete the labyrinth.

Making a 3 circuit Square Labyrinth step 5

3 Circuit Square Labyrinth - Step 5 - Draw the final arch

That does it. The final 3 circuit classical square labyrinth after 5 easy steps !!!

3 circuit classical square labyrinth

3 circuit classical square labyrinth

And here is the same labyrinth shown with grids so you can understand the shape better.

3 circuit classical square labyrinth shown on a grid

Alternative construction option: You have the option to use the more traditional starting seed pattern to create a 3 circuit square labyrinth, but this is not the most common construction. This version does not have a large square center and ends up not even being a perfect square. Here is the 5 step process to create it.

PRO TIP: this is the same construction and instructions as a 3 circuit classical shaped labyrinth but instead of curving the corners you draw the lines and corners at 90 degree angles !

Step 1: Draw the starting seed pattern.

The starting seed pattern is a plus sign with four dots in each of the four corners in the space apart from the lines to form pattern below.

3 circuit classical square labyrinth alternative seed pattern

Step 2: Connect the first “arch”

Draw an upside -down U shaped line from the top of the plus sign to the dot in the top right corner of the starting pattern. The top of the arch should peak halfway between those two points. This line will form what will become the goal of the labyrinth.

Square 3 circuit Labyrinth Alternative Part 2

Step 3: Connect the next “arch” from the left

Draw an upside down U shaped line from the left corner dot to the end point on the right side of the plus sign. Space the line an equal distance from the wall to the inside. Notice that you have moved one point to the left and connected that to the next point on the right.

Square 3 circuit Labyrinth Alternative Part 3

Step 4: Connect the next “arch” from the left

Draw another clockwise line from the end point of the left side of the plus sign around to the dot on the bottom right side of the pattern (Again, the next on the left to the next on the right). Space the line an equal distance from the wall to the inside as you draw the line. Again this looks like an upside-down U plus the connections to the appropriate ends.

Square 3 circuit Labyrinth Alternative Part 4

Step 5: Connect the next “arch” from the left

Same process as before but this time you connect the bottom left dot from the seed to the bottom of the plus sign.

Square 3 circuit Labyrinth Alternative Part 5

That completes the process for this alternative version.

3 circuit classical square labyrinth with small center

How to Make a 7 Circuit Caerdroia Labyrinth

In this post I will show you how to draw a 7 circuit Caerdroia Labyrinth. I first became aware of this type of labyrinth, a variation of the Cretan labyrinth, when I saw it in the film, The Night House, which has a maze theme weaved into the storyline. This type of labyrinth is Welsh and they were used for gatherings of singing and dancing. To learn more about them check out Wikipedia.

How to Draw a 7 Circuit Caerdroia Labyrinth

Step 1 Draw the seed pattern

I came up with 2 possible seed patterns for this. The first is based on the classical 7 seed labyrinth and adjusted for the unique shape of this labyrinth. You can see this below in black overlaid onto the complete labyrinth in red. It uses a center cross (in this case offset), 4 L’s and 4 dots just like that seed uses.

The step by step instructions will use this seed, however there is another seed option I will review below.

Caerdroia Labyrinth seed pattern

Step 1 - Draw the seed pattern

Step 2 Note the Connection points

All seeds become labyrinths by connecting one point to another around the entire shape. For a 7 circuit you will need to make 8 connections as labeled below.

Caerdroia Labyrinth seed pattern with links shown

Step 2 Note the connections

Step 3 Note the location of the peaks and shape changes

In the northern part of the labyrinth, you have all circular pathways, and all of them have a peak that is centered between the first connection points (also centered above the center goal).

In the southern part of the labyrinth you have a square labyrinth. This portion of the labyrinth fills bottom half and a half step above the seed (this is an aesthetic choice by me - you may also use the seed as the point of shape change if you prefer)

Caerdroia Labyrinth design analysis

Step 3 Location and shape changes

Step 4 Draw and connect the pathways to create the labyrinth

After all the explanation above, connect the same numbered pathways to create the labyrinth. Connections 1-5 require (mostly) the drawing of semi-circles, while 6-8 require pathway extensions before drawing the semicircles.

Connect the pathways in order from left to right.

Caerdroia Labyrinth connections drawn

That completes the labyrinth, BUT let’s look at the other seed I mentioned above.

ALTERNATIVE Step 1 Draw the seed pattern

To simplify the connection drawing this seed requires only the drawing of semicircles, but a much larger seed which looks more like a very wide tree. There are still 8 connections to make, but they are more uniform. Just make sure you align all of their transition points from square shaped to circular shaped.

Caerdroia Labyrinth alternative seed pattern

All other step are basically the same, with just the drawing of your walls changing since you did more upfront work !

Caerdroia Labyrinth

OPTIONAL STEP 5 Make any Aesthetic Changes

You have options for the pathway ratio. Below I made them equal. The display of corners ( I chose soft below vs. sharp corners), and how the ends of lines will look (I chose rounded vs squared).

Caerdroia Labyrinth with thick walls

That concludes our instructions. Good luck in making your own design !

Additional posts you might like:

Maze Construction - 5 Maze Design Decisions Make All the Difference

The 12 best maze/labyrinth movies of all time

Comparison of the even MORE online maze generation websites

Previously I have reviewed and compared the top 12 maze generation websites. And that blog post gets updated often as new websites are created and replace some of the original sites. It seems to be a common logic and programming puzzle to create a website that can create a digital maze. And so, today, I am going to take the time to go through 7 MORE maze generation websites. Why ? Well I like to keep up to date on what content is out there and share it with you.

So today I will look at 7 online maze generation websites, compare them, and let you know what each is capable of. This maze generator comparison includes the (1) shape of the overall mazes, (2) the cell types or shape of the cells that create the internal paths/walls, (3/4) the width and height sizes you can generate, (5/6) how the start/end are shown, (7) are the solutions given, and (8) how can you download the maze you have generated.

To give them a good comparison I decided to generate a 20x20 maze with each to compare how each generated (when possible). I also tried to give and example of some of the advanced features if the maze generator site has them.

In no particular order:

1. all kids network

Shapes: 5 : Square

Cell types: Square

Width / Height: 9 pre-selected sizes available, smallest 5 x 5, largest 120 x 120

Start/End: Entrance and exit are labeled.

Advanced options: You can choose one of 2 styles: Simple or Artistic

Solution generated: Yes

Downloads available: Yes. Pdfs available.

This site also allows you to select your difficulty level (Easy, Medium, Hard), and to select between 11 different page sizes.

Examples: You must register and login to download mazes. Registration is free.

2. PUZZLE GeneratoRS

This site has 6 different inputs that must be filled in to make a maze. There is no information to explain how they work (Information icons did not work for me). Those inputs are labeled: Width, Height, North, East, West, and South. This site also allows you to make crossword puzzles, sudoku and word searches !

Shapes: 2 : Square, Rectangle

Cell types: 1: Square

Width: 2 - 50

Height: 2 - 50

Start: Entrance and exit are not specified, 1 of each at the top and bottom of the generation.

End: 1

Solution generated: Yes

Downloads available: Yes

Examples: Both are 20x20 squares. The left was generated using 1111 for NSEW, while the right was generated using 2222.

puzzle generators maze example
puzzle generators maze example 2


This maze generator is built to generate mazes for Minecraft. This includes mazes with up to 10 layers (Think of a 3D maze with each layer being a floor to a building).

Shapes: 1 : Square

Cell types: 1: Square

Width / Height: Comes in 4 selectable sizes: Small Medium Large and Huge

Start: Entrance on the left hand side.

End: Exit in the right hand side.

Advanced options: The levels I mentioned before add layers to the maze, allowing the solver to travel in a third direction. Note that this generates as a separate picture for each level with blocks colored to indicate where you may move up or down.

Solution generated: No

Downloads available: No

Examples: First example is Medium sized with 1 Level. The next set of 3 show a Small sized 3 level maze where yellow and blue denote the ability to move up and down.

JamisBuck maze example
JamisBuck maze example small
JamisBuck maze example 3
JamisBuck maze example 4

4. Dcode Maze Generator

Shapes: 1 : Rectangle

Cell types: 1: Square

Width: 2 - 50

Height: 2 - 50

Start: Entrance and exit are not specified, 1 of each at the top and bottom of the generation.

End: 1

Advanced options: You can change the walls of your maze to be made by any character. The default maze walls are made from solid black blocks.

Solution generated: No

Downloads available: Yes

Examples: Left with the default black walls. Right with * as walls. I tried a few different symbols and find non-black walls very difficult to follow what the pathways are.

Dcode maze generator example
Dcode maze generator example 2

5. delorie

Shapes: 1 : Rectangle

Cell types: 1: Square, Rectangle

Width: 1 - 100

Height: 1 - 100

Start: Entrance and exit are not specified, 1 of each at the top and bottom of the generation.

End: Entrance and exit are not specified, 1 of each at the top and bottom of the generation.

Advanced options: You can generate a maze in Gif format (Though I could not get this to display) or using text (which uses the “+” and “-” characters). You can choose the width and height of each cell. I found if you use the default of 1 it is difficult to understand the walls of the maze.

Solution generated: Yes

Downloads available: No

Examples: Left uses a width and height of 2 per cell and is difficult to follow. The right maze is much easier to follow by changing the width per cell to 6. This generates a more square maze.

Delorie maze example
Delorie maze example

6. the teachers corner

Shapes: 1 : Rectangle

Cell types: 1: Square

Width: 10 - 50

Height: 10 - 75

Start: Entrance and exit arrows are chosen with 6 color options. Entrance generates in the top left corner.

End: Entrance and exit arrows are chosen with 6 color options. Exit generates in the bottom right corner.

Advanced options: You can add a Title and directions/instructions for the maze. Default directions are “Can you find your way through the crazy maze below?”. You can change the width of lanes, there are 5 options that vary the display size.

Solution generated: No

Downloads available: Only by right clicking to download directly from the browser. Note that the download will NOT include the start and ending arrows you see on the screen.

Other: This maze generator is part of a larger website dedicated to resources for teachers like lesson plans, activity sets and teacher resources. Great for teachers !

Examples: Each is 20 x 20.

Teachers corner maze example
Teachers corner maze example

7. Xefer Maze Generator

Shapes: 1 : Rectangle

Cell types: 1: Square

Width: 2 - 1000 ? At 1,000 the maze still generates.

Height: 2 - 1000 ? At 1,000 the maze still generates.

Start: Entrance and exit are not specified, 1 of each at the top and bottom of the generation.

End: 1

Advanced options: You can choose the size of the cells. You can choose the anfractuosity - roughly how much channels are important in the maze. Most mazes have high anfractuosity.

Solution generated: Yes

Downloads available: No

Examples: Left 20 x 20 has low anfractuosity. Right 20 x 20 has high anfractuosity.

Xefer maze generator example
Xefer maze generator example

A Comparison of the Top 12 online maze generation websites

Today I will take you thru the top results for online maze generation, compare them, and let you know what each is capable of. I used a few different search engines to find the top sites, then pared them down to the very best. This maze generator comparison includes the (1) shape of the overall mazes, (2) the cell types or shape of the cells that create the internal paths/walls, (3/4) the width and height sizes you can generate, (5/6) how the start/end are shown, (7) are the solutions given, and (8) how can you download the maze you have generated. I try to note what a website does best if something stands out.

To give them a good comparison I decided to generate a 20x20 maze with each website to compare how each generated the maze (where possible). I also tried to give an example of some of the advanced features if the maze generator website has them.

I have included a “best of” section at the end of the post if you are looking for a specific functionality from the website, like: Best Pre-Made Shapes, Best Custom Shapes and Best On-Screen Solving to name a few of the categories. These are not in order:

  1. mazegenerator

    Shapes: 4 : Rectangle, Circle, Triangular, Hexagonal

    Cell types: 3: Square, Hexagons, Triangles

    Width: 2 - 200 for rectangles, Diameter of 5 - 200 for Circles, Side length of 3 - 200 for Triangles , Sides 2 - 120 for Hexagonals

    Height: 2 - 200 for rectangles

    Start: 2 choices: Top, Bottom/Inner Room

    End: Same choices as start.

    Solution generated: Yes

    Downloads available: Yes, PDF in 6 different sizes, SVG, PNG

    What this site does best: Of all the sites I reviewed this is one of the few sites with hexagon maze generation and triangular maze generation. It also wins for the best download options once you have generated a maze with the site. The site allows you to create a large maze of 200x200, the second largest size of all the sites I have reviewed.

    Examples: On the Left is a 20 x 20 square maze and on the right is a 20 x 5 triangular maze. Left Below is a hexagonal sigma cell maze. Right below is an example of a circular maze with the solution.

Maze Generator  square shaped maze
Maze Generator triangle maze
Maze Generator  hexagonal shaped maze
Maze Generator circular maze with solution


Shapes: 4+ (infinite) : Square, Circle, Triangular Grid, Hexagonal Grid. While there are 4 main types you can also create an infinite number of shapes using the mask feature !!

Cell types: 3: Square, Hexagons, Triangles

Width and Height: 2 - 50 for squares and hexagons, Triangles from 4-85 width to 2-50 height, and circles can have 30 layers

Start/end: 4 choices: None, Top to Bottom, Left to Right, Hardest entrance/exit

Solution generated: Yes

Downloads available: Yes, as an SVG file.

What this site does best: Of all the sites I reviewed this is one of only 2 sites with Circular maze generation. It is also the site with the most flexibility in creating shapes. You can create a distance map that shows how far the point is from the entrance. The generator offers a choice of 10 different algorithms to generate the maze. You can also solve these mazes on screen using your mouse and keyboard. You can also choose to watch the maze generate !

Examples: Starting in the top left corner a simple 20x20 maze, a hexagonal grid maze, a circular maze, and a shape I made myself using the mask feature. I also suggest you check out the examples given on the site.

Codebox maze generation examples

3. Discovery Education Puzzlemaker

Shapes: 5 : Rectangle, Circle/Oval, Wheel, Escape from middle, Cut Out

Cell types: Square

Width: 2 - 100

Height: 2 - 100

Start: Entrance and exit are not specified, 1 of each. If internal option is not used they will be on the left and right.

End: 1

Advanced options: You can name your maze. It’s actually their step #1. You can chose the direction of the internal pathways (6 options, including random, mostly horizontal and mostly vertical).

Solution generated: Yes

Downloads available: Yes. They have added buttons to make Copying the Maze to your clipboard simple. Also includes a Print button directly on the page.

What this site does best: Allows the creation of a large size 100 x 100 maze.

Examples: On the left is a 20 x 20 square maze. On the right is a ‘circular’ maze that is made using a square grid system (For a true circular maze see above). Bottom left is an example of a 20 x20 cutout and bottom right is the wheel version.

Additional Information: This is part of the Discovery Education Puzzlemaker page. You can generate 10 different puzzle types : Word Search, Criss Cross, Double Puzzles, Fallen Phrase, Math Squares, Mazes, Letter Tiles, Cryptograms, Number Blocks and Hidden Message puzzles. It is easy to see why this site is popular with such great content !

Discovery Education square maze
Discovery Education circular maze
Discovery Education cutout shape maze
Discovery Education donut shaped maze


You can learn about Angelika and her projects here, including this maze generator she made ”just for fun”.

Shapes: 5+ : Square, Hexagon, Triangle, Circle, Star - which allows you to upload a mask to create your own shape

Cell types: Automatic based on shape of maze. Square, hexagonal, and triangular.

Width: 2 - 50

Height: 2 - 50

Note that for the circle and hexagon shapes you choose the radius (up to 30) and the triangle the side length (up to 30)

Start/Goal: Entrance and exit are not specified, but each is signified by internal dots.

Advanced options: You can choose the algorithm used to generate the pathways, of which there are 6 different options. You can generate a solution “heat map” showing the distance from the entrance of the maze.

Solution generated: Yes

Downloads available: Yes, in SVG format

What this site does best: It does a great job with custom shapes (you can upload your own mask), and with common shapes like the circle, hexagon, and triangle.

Examples: 20x20 Square using Recursive backtracker algorithm, 10 radius hexagonal with solution and “heat map”.

Angelika maze making examples

5. Mazesforfun

Shapes: 9 selectable shapes: including Square, Triangle and Round

Cell types: Automatic based on selected shape

Width: 10 - 40

Height: 10 - 40

Start: Unmarked but always the top left of the shape

End: Unmarked but always the bottom right of the maze

Advanced options: There are 4 levels of difficulty. You can also choose the size the maze generates in (3 possible).

Solution generated: Yes

Downloads available: Yes, in PDF, PNG, and SVG formats

What this site does best: The ability to mix and match internal shapes and external shapes. It also has 9 selectable pre-made shape templates.

Examples: First is a standard 20 x 20 square (difficulty hard); next is what generates for triangles - not the external shape but the CELL shape. The final 2 examples show a shape called Cairo and on called Squaretriangles.

mazesforfun square maze
mazesforfun maze example
mazesforfun maze example 2
mazesforfun maze example 3


Shapes: 1 : Rectangle

Cell types: 1: Square

Width: 21 - 301

Height: 21 - 201

Start: Entrance and exit are not specified, and placement varies by maze.

End: 1. I think I have generated mazes with no exit !!! I could be wrong but it was difficult to find if it was there !

Advanced options: There are 3 options for mazes generation: Simplistic, Harder and Chaotic. Pictures are sometimes randomly inserted on the mazes. I have seen Griffins, a plane, a house, etc. Has a secondary playable option where you can play on screen and try to solve an invisible maze !

Solution generated: No

Downloads available: Only by right clicking to download directly from the browser

Examples: each maze is 21 x 21 (really? - well that is what the settings said !). The maze on the left generated extremely easy…. The maze on the right was generated using the chaotic setting. Unfortunately, each of these mazes are very easy to solve. Be sure to check to see if the generation you use is difficult enough.

Bills Games maze examples

7. mazepuzzlemaker

You’ll notice the controls of this website are very similar to Printable creative above with some additional options available. This is available to be used for commercial uses and is the PAID version of the site above.

Shapes: 55 selectable shapes, including letters A-Z, and many more; 4 geometric; 29 Fancy shapes

Cell types: Square

Width/Height: You can choose between 10-30 “cells”

Start: automatically generated at top and bottom of the maze shape

End: Start/end can be turned on, showing a green and red box to indicate the start/goal

Solution generated: Yes

Downloads available: Paid. Yes, PDF in multiple sizes, PNG and SVG

What this site does best: Creates puzzles for commercial use. Has a large amount of fancy shapes available. Gives more examples than any other website (by a wide margin).

Examples: The best way to check out is to view their page of examples, featuring 82 different examples !! Here is a snapshot of that page to give you a small sampling:

Mazepuzzlemaker maze examples

8. Glass Giant

Shapes: 1 : Square

Cell types: 1: Square

Width: 2 - 40

Height: 2 - 40

Start: Marked by a green diamond INSIDE the maze

End: Marked by a red square INSIDE the maze.

Advanced options: There are 5 levels of difficulty. You can choose the color of the maze walls and the background color (9 colors available). You can also choose the size the maze generates in.

Solution generated: No

Downloads available: Only by right clicking to download directly from the browser

Examples: Left is a standard 20 x 20 maze and on the right is a 20 x 20 maze with the options for Red walls on a Cyan background selected.

Glass Giant square maze
Glass Giant cyan colored square maze

9. printablecreative

Shapes: 11 : Box, Circle, Diamond, 4 Rooms, L, Moon, Square, Star, Strike Triangle, 2 Rooms

Cell types: 1: Square

Width/Height: You can choose between 10-30 “cells” for the free version

Start: automatically generated at top and bottom of the maze shape

End: Start/end can be turned on, showing a green and red box to indicate the start/goal

Solution generated: Yes

Downloads available: Yes, PDF in 2 different sizes, PNG

This maze generator also allows you to pick the size of the cell corridor (10-30) adjusting the scale of the maze you generate. It also has 3 difficulty levels (Easy, Normal, Hard).

What this site does best: They have their own page of maze examples featuring 19 options ! It also features 11 pre-made shapes.

Examples: The top 2 show the Start and Goal indicators. Shapes in the examples are Square, Two Rooms, Circle and L.

printablecreative  square maze
printablecreative 2 rooms maze example
printablecreative circle maze example
printablecreative L shaped maze

10. Here and above

Shapes: 1 : Rectangle

Cell types: 1: Square, Rectangle

Width: 2 - 500. Note that I made a 500 X 500 successfully, but at higher numbers you may get an error.

Height: 2 - 500

Start: Entrance and exit are not specified, and may be on any side of the maze.

End: 1

Advanced options: You can choose wall and path widths. You can generate a maze in many colors (basically every color) using the RGB system. That is one thing that sets this site apart from all others - every color is available to make a maze in.

Solution generated: No

Downloads available: Only by right clicking to download directly from the browser

What this site does best: Large sizes - this website generates the largest mazes that I have found ! And the ability to use any color you can think of using an RBG selector.


Here and Above  square maze example
Here and Above red square maze example


Things are different here compared to the other websites. On this site the solving of the mazes happens ON SCREEN. If that is what you are looking for, this is the site for you ! Also includes sections of Puzzles, Learning (Letters and Numbers), Drawing and a Code game. The mazes all feature themes as you will see in the examples !

Shapes: 34+ : 34 different styles of maze are currently available to be generated, plus a 27 predefined shapes in the Shapes section that allows you to create your own shapes.

Cell types:: Many. The 34 shapes include some unique inner cell shapes that are best explored on your own !!

Width and Height: Varies, but you do not control the output size for the 33 styles generated. However, under the Create button you can control the X and Y to create a maze in the size you want.

Start: Pre-defined in Style mazes

End: Pre-defined in Style mazes, internal or external in the Create section

Solution generated: No

Downloads available: Mazes are both shareable and Printable

Examples: 4 of the 33 styles are shown below. Rail, SawBlade, Jigsaw, and Corn mazes.

maze4u train track maze
maze4u sawblade maze example
maze4u puzzle shape maze example
maze4u hedges maze example

12. mazebrite

This is a custom maze message generator. You can make your name, or a message like “I love you”. Downloads are available for a fee.

Shapes: 1 : Rectangle

Cell types: 1: Square

Width: Based on the length of message.

Height: 13, 24, or 35 depending on the length of the message

Start / Finish : Are written and located inside the maze. Start in the bottom left corner, Finish in the bottom right

Solution generated: Yes. You may also select from 8 colors.

Downloads available: It costs 99 cents to email yourself 3 versions of the maze.

Example: Shows the three versions for the word “MAZE”, as labeled, the solution, with helpful arrows (Breadcrumbs), and with no clues.

MazeBrite Maze examples

That concludes the reviews, but if you are interested in additional sites I have a second blog post about sites that did not make this list.



Best pre-made shapes:

MAZEPUZZLEMAKER - features 55 selectable shapes, including letters A-Z; 4 geometric shapes; 29 fancy shapes

KIDEV - 35 variations come in many different unique forms

PRINTABLECREATIVE - drop down menu contains 11 options

MAZESFORFUN - 9 options that include unique internal pathways giving mazes a fresh look

Most unique pre-fabricated shapes:

KIDEV - you can find Rail, Pipe, Jigsaw, and Corn mazes among a large selection.

MAZEPUZZLEMAKER 29 fancy options - The best way to check out is to view their page of examples.

MAZESFORFUN the internal shapes that are generated are unique

Best custom shapes:

CODEBOX - Click on Create Mask button and make your own maze shape !

KIDEV - you can load shapes and customize them !

ANGELIKA TYBORSKA - click on the Star shape and you can upload a PNG file with a custom mask

Largest rectangular maze creation available:

  1. 500 x 500 HERE AND ABOVE

  2. 200 x 200 MAZEGENERATOR

  3. 120 x 120 ALL KIDS NETWORK (not reviewed above)


Best circular mazes:




Best triangular shaped mazes:



Best hexagonal shaped mazes:





Best on screen solving:

KIDEV - use a pencil on screen to solve a generated maze, or select from 40 other icons

CODEBOX - click the Play button after generating a maze to solve using your keyboard or mouse

BILLSGAMES.COM - specifically for the invisible option

Best colors available:

HERE AND ABOVE - you can choose the RBG for both the pathways and walls

GLASS GIANT - you can choose from 8 colors for the background and foreground

Best novelty mazes:

KIDEV - really interesting themes that kids would love !

Best hidden message maze generator:


If you have a website you think I have missed and deserves a look, please drop me a note and I will evaluate it for possible inclusion !

Other popular posts you may like:

How to make a digital maze (40 different types)

The 18 Best Maze Movies

What I use to make my mazes