Sports Mazes - A Collection of my 12 Favorite Sports Mazes

Today I am going to feature another Collection of mazes from the site. Like most of my other posts this collection is spread throughout the site and I thought it would be nice to pull together a collection of my best Sports Mazes.

My 12 Favorite Sports Mazes

I feel like the best place to start is with this Football Maze. It’s my favorite sport. This is a nice vertical maze construction.

Football maze 2.3.19.png

Football Maze

And of course how about a Baseball Maze and a Baseball Bat Maze. Or maybe it is a Softball Maze because that is all a matter of perspective.

Baseball Maze 3.28.19.png

Baseball Maze

Baseball bat maze

Baseball Bat Maze

Let’s go inside for a different kind of sport. How about this Bowling Ball Maze. When I look at it I can hear the sounds of pins being scattered. OVER THE LINE.

Bowling Ball Maze 8.10.19.png

Bowling Ball Maze

Ok, ok, technically this is not a racing bike, but it is a nice Bike Maze. Without printing it out it looks like a bike and not a maze which might mean we have some maze art on our screens.

Bike maze 2.8.19.png

Bike Maze

Remember when ESPN had those outdoor contests ? Lumberjack competitions. Those were fun. Here is an Ax Maze. Makes me think of plaid shirts and beards.

Ax Maze - Lumberjack Day 9.26.2019.png

Ax Maze

Now the sport that I think most people love to play and love to hate (at least I do) is golf. Here is a Golf Ball Maze made in a connected dots construction which is perfect for it. Below it I have an example of my Golf Game Maze which is a timed maze game where your score is based on how fast you solve it. To get all 9 of these golf game mazes check out this section.

Golf Ball Maze

Golf Ball Maze

golf hole maze

Golf Game Maze

If you think that regular golf is too stressful like I do, then maybe this Miniature Golf Maze is more to your liking. If you like this, I have a book available of 9 golf holes !

Miniature Golf Maze

Miniature Golf Maze

You didn’t think I would skip basketball did you ? Here’s a Basketball Maze.

Basketball Maze

Basketball Maze

And I am going to end with another non-traditional sport in honor of Coney Island and the Independence Day Eating contest. Think it isn’t a sport ? Can you eat over 70 hot dogs in 10 minutes ? This Hot Dog Maze says you can’t. Although it does not come with a cup of water to dunk it into.

Hot Dog maze

Hot Dog Maze

Is it a sport or is it a game? I left out my Chess and Checkers Mazes, but decided to add in a Racing Maze since I have done so many for the website. If you don’t know the rules of Racing Mazes check this out.

2 person Maze Race - Spiral

Spiral Standard Maze Race

And since you are here for Sports Mazes, you might also be interested in a free downloadable Kids Activity book that uses sports as a theme. It has 24 pages of projects plus a few pages on answers.

My Sports activity book cover

Since this blog post was written, I have transitioned the website to maze art. Check them out on my home page - I think you will like what you find ! (maybe not - but the click is free !)

Horoscope Symbol Mazes - A Collection of Zodiac Mazes

Today I want to review a collection of mazes I have done to celebrate the horoscope, or maybe more accurately the zodiac. When I was building the website I was looking for content and the 12 zodiac symbols that represent the horoscope seemed like an interesting theme to explore. So, I made them into mazes. Not enough to theme an entire month, so instead you’ll find it as a maze collection. These are not easy mazes, but I also wouldn’t call them too difficult because they are small in size.

Let’s take a look at the Zodiac Maze collection.

We start in Mid-January with this Aquarius Maze, the water carrier. I went with a 90 degree corners version of waves to make the mazing a bit easier to make.

Aquarius symbol Maze

Aquarius Maze

The Pisces Maze is next, and is usually shown with a pair of fishes, of with a variation of the symbol below.

Pisces symbol Maze

Pisces Maze

The Aries Maze, symbolizing the ram during March and April. Something I didn’t know is that this is considered the first sign in the zodiac. You could call that a fun fact. Or a fact. Either one.

Aries Maze

Aries Maze

A Taurus Maze, the symbol of the bull makes the solver travel from horn to horn, just like the Aries Maze above !

Taurus symbol Maze

Taurus Maze

The twins represent the Gemini Maze. If I told you it was a maze of the Roman Numeral 2 that would also work !

Gemini symbol Maze

Gemini Maze

The Cancer Maze is symbolized by the crab and uses this symbol. While they typically do not touch, by moving the design closer together it made the maze pathway switchover easier to execute and it looks better than the alternative !

Cancer symbol Maze

Cancer Maze

And of course we have the Leo Maze, or Lion. Or maybe a winding road you don’t want to drive on. That too. This is a maze where the start and goal were very easy to pick the locations of.

Leo symbol Maze

Leo Maze

Virgo Maze, symbolized by the virgin or the maiden.

Virgo symbol Maze

Virgo Maze

Libra Maze. Scales. Or possibly a roadway with a tunnel. Either one.

Libra symbol Maze

Libra Maze

Scorpio Maze symbolized by the scorpion !!

Scorpio symbol Maze

Scorpio Maze

Sagittarius Maze for which I am thankful for spell check symbolized by the Archer. Easy to understand how an arrow works here !

Sagittarius symbol Maze

Sagittarius Maze

and finally, we end the year with the Capricorn Maze, symbolized by the goat.

Capricorn symbol Maze

Capricorn maze

Hope you enjoyed this look at the Horoscope Maze Collection. If you are interested in downloading all 12 mazes I made a booklet available for free in my book section. Here is a look at the book cover. I should also mention that all of these mazes are available en Español also (same mazes, different labels). You can check them out on their own page, or in their own book.

Horoscope Mazes booklet cover
el folleto del laberinto del horoscopo

If you are looking for something a bit different, like Activity Books for Kids, I also have a few of them (all free!) available for download on the site also.

Happy Holidays ! A Collection of Holiday Mazes

Let’s take a look at a collection of the favorite Holiday Mazes I have ever made. You can find these spread out around the site, mostly in the monthly reviews of the daily mazes, but I thought it would be nice to pull a variety of them together. The nice part about this collection is the large mix of maze types beyond the standard maze like arrow mazes, and weaving mazes. There is also a large range of difficulty levels from Kids to Difficult. You probably won’t be surprised that a lot of them are Christmas Mazes. For a larger selection of just Christmas Mazes, mostly for kids, click here !! Or Halloween Mazes.

My 38 Favorite Holiday Mazes

Let’s go in order of the months. January means MLK Day and while this isn’t the most creative maze I have ever done I think that this Dream Maze works for the day.

Dream maze

MLK Dream Maze

February is about President’s Day and Valentine’s Day and I have both covered here. I can only take credit for the maze part of the Abraham Lincoln Maze since the artwork came from here. The Coin mazes of Lincoln and George Washington were also used to celebrate their birthdays.

Abraham Lincoln face maze

Abraham Lincoln Maze


US Penny Maze

US Quarter maze

US Quarter Maze

And what better way to celebrate Valentine’s Day than with this Heart Maze. I also made a broken heart depending on your situation for the day, but let’s ignore that one. You can find that one if you are interested on the website.

Heart Maze

Heart Maze

March is all about St Patrick’s Day and sometimes an Early Easter. I went with a 4 Leaf Clover Maze to celebrate it and a Leprechaun Hat Maze. Hopefully these can bring you some luck and maybe even a pot of gold !

4 leaf clover maze

4 Leaf Clover

Leprechaun Hat Maze

Leprechaun Hat Maze

April starts with April Fool’s Day which means some bad mazes from me. You can find them on the site but none are worthy for inclusion here (they are unsolvable). But April also has Earth Day and typically has Easter also. I included the Easter Egg Maze and Rabbit Maze.

Easter eggs maze 4.21.19.png

Easter Eggs Maze

Rabbit Maze

Rabbit Maze

Earth Maze

Earth Maze

May brings Mother’s Day and Memorial Day in the US. I made a printable Mothers Day Card Maze to tell mother’s how amazing they are. And a US Flag Maze for Memorial Day.

Mother's Day card maze 5.12.19.png

Mothers Day Card Maze

US flag Maze

US Flag Maze

June brings Summer and Father’s Day. I liked the format of my Mothers Day card that I repeated for this Fathers Day Card Maze.

Father's Day card maze 6.16.19.png

Father’s Day Card Maze

July in the US brings us Independence Day. That means fireworks with this unique Fireworks Maze, and of course you can recycle the Flag Maze above from Memorial Day.

Fireworks maze 7.4.19.png

Fireworks Maze

October brings us cold weather and Halloween. Two of my favorite mazes for the holiday are my Jack O Lantern Maze and Candy Corn Maze. You can also find other candy mazes on the website if you are interested.

Jack o Lantern Maze

Jack o Lantern Maze

Candy Corn Maze

Candy Corn Maze

November brings us Election Day, Veteran’s Day and the best food holiday in the world, Thanksgiving. For Election Day I went with a Vote Pin Maze. I went with a simple Flag/Thank You Maze for Vet’s Day, but also added in a Fighter Jet Maze and a Submarine Maze for those military branches. For Thanksgiving I have a Pilgrim’s Hat Maze. You can also find some food mazes on the site that would fit here also. I suggest some of the pies.

Election Day Pin Maze 11.5.19.png

Vote Pin Maze

Veteran's Day Maze

Veteran’s Day Maze

fighter jet maze

Fighter Jet Maze

Submarine Maze

Submarine Maze

Pilgrim Hat Maze

Pilgrim Hat Maze

December gives us Christmas, New Year’s, Chanukah and Festivus. I have each of them covered. Let’s start with a Menorah Maze for Chanukah. As for the airing of grievances, the traditional Festivus Pole Maze.

Menorah Maze

Menorah Maze

Festivus pole maze 12.23.18.png

Festivus Maze

And now we get into the bulk of the Christmas Mazes. Lots of variety in types. In no particular order a Christmas Stocking Maze, Presents Maze and Santa’s Hat Maze. The group of presents is a bit harder than the others. If I was guessing the large flat green box is a tv and the gradient wrapped box in front is a pair of shoes. If there’s one thing was always in my stocking it was candy canes, like this Candy Cane Maze.

Christmas stocking maze

Christmas Stocking Maze

Christmas presents maze

Christmas Presents Maze

Santa Hat Maze

Santa Hat Maze

Kids Candy Cane maze

Candy Cane Maze

How about a cartoon like version of Santa Claus in the Santa Claus Maze where you need to make your way through Santa’s beard to solve it !

Easy Kids Santa Maze

Santa Maze

And the flower of the season is definitely the poinsettia. Always nice to see these decorating storefronts and homes during the holidays. This Poinsettia Maze is a bit harder than it looks !

Poinsettia maze

Poinsettia Maze

And I must be hungry because this Christmas Cookies Maze makes me walk over to the pantry and look for a snack…be right back. There are other cookie mazes on the site but these are the only specific holiday ones.

Christmas Cookies Maze

Christmas Cookies Maze

Now let’s look at some Holiday Arrow Mazes. I made a few, but here are my 3 favorite, a Christmas Tree Arrow Maze, a Christmas Stocking Arrow Maze and Santa’s Hat Arrow Maze.

Christmas Arrow Maze Tree

Christmas Tree Arrow Maze

Christmas Stocking Arrow Maze

Christmas Stocking Arrow Maze

Christmas Arrow Maze Santa's Hat

Santa’s Hat Arrow Maze

I also experimented with Holiday Weaving Mazes. Here are my 3 favorite, the Ornament Maze, Stocking Maze and Christmas Tree Maze.

Christmas  Weaving Maze Ornament

Ornament Weaving Maze

Christmas  Weaving Maze Stocking

Stocking Weaving Maze

Christmas Tree  Weaving Maze

Christmas Tree Weaving Maze

There are even more Holiday mazes, a whole month of them (including most of these). And every year for New Year’s Eve and New Years Day I make a New “Year” Maze. Below I used coloring to make a combined 2020 / 2021 Maze.

Did you find what you were looking for ? If not, or if you have an idea for a maze, send me a request/idea !

Fruits and Vegetable Mazes - A Collection of Mazes to Make you Hungry

Maybe it’s because I eat a lot of them so they are always top of mind, but I seem to make a lot of Fruit and Vegetable Mazes. Some of them are collected in the Food Maze Collection, but not all of them. The nice thing about that section is there are so many different food mazes to look through, but it certainly isn’t concise so today I want to take you through my favorite Fruit and Vegetable Mazes. Let’s get started !

My 10 Favorite Fruit and Vegetable Mazes

In no particular order…let’s start with a maze I like because of the shading when I colored it. The difficult thing about making a Peach Maze is making sure it doesn’t look like an Apple. The Notch down the side and the shading do this I think.

Peach Maze 8.22.19.png

Peach Maze

Another maze where I used some shading to add some green to the Banana Maze.

Banana Maze 8.27.19.png

Banana Maze

One of the first vegetable mazes I made for the website was this Cabbage Maze. It is a difficult maze to solve, but I really like the way it turned out despite that. As you can see I used the pathways to color the cabbage rather than use black, and varied the coloring to ensure it looked more cabbage-y than lettuce.

Cabbage Maze 2.17.19.png

Cabbage Maze

This Peanut Maze is a vegetable maze which I had to search for online to confirm because I didn’t know. The design of this looks a bit like a grid maze because of the structure of a peanut, but is really a draw and cut construction.

Peanut Maze 3.15.19.png

Peanut Maze

My guess is you won’t find many Garlic Bulb Mazes out there on the webs. I like the look of this one and enjoy the free drawn maze construction method. Garlic really has a interesting curved shape so this construction fit perfectly IMO.

Garlic Maze

Not all of my mazes are made for kids, like this Strawberry Maze that is a bit more complicated. I went heavy on the seeds.

Strawberry Maze

Strawberry Maze

This Carrot Maze was made for kids. I made it extra bright to give it a cartoonlike look. I wouldn’t suggest you eat a carrot if the greens were really glowing like this !

Carrot Maze 4.4.19.png

Carrot Maze

I think I made this for a Vegetarian holiday. It features a group of a few of the vegetables I have made for different projects grouped together. It makes for a nice Vegetables Maze, although you only move through the lettuce, so maybe it is more accurately a Green Leaf Lettuce Maze.

Vegetables Maze

Vegetables Maze

If you liked the difficulty of the Cabbage Maze above, you will also enjoy this Corn on the Cob Maze, not to be confused with a Corn Maze on a farm ! I went black and white on this one, so feel free to color it when you are done with the maze. It uses both a vertical and horizontal maze construction. It is also a maze whose bones would make for a good draw and cut maze like the Peanut maze above.

Corn on the Cob Maze

Corn on the Cob Maze

I made this Pineapple Maze to celebrate National Pineapple Day. It is a cut-thru maze construction so you travel ON the line instead of between them !

Pineapple Maze

Pineapple Maze

That concludes my 10 favorite fruit and vegetable mazes. If you are looking for something more I have actually made a free downloadable activity book for kids on the subject. It is one of my early ones, with 24 pages of activities plus answers. You might recognize some of the pictures on the cover. You can find it in the Activity Book Section. It features word unscramble (or drow sunblecram), dot box, connect the dots, coloring pages and other similar games.

Fruits and Vegetables Activity Book Cover

Since I made these early mazes I have transitioned to making maze art. If that sounds interesting to you check out my homepage where I always have my latest creations !