My 2025 Website Outlook

It is time to evaluate the website, the YouTube channel, and the brand to see what I want to do for 2025. Most importantly, what will be the maze theme for 2025 ?

What type of mazes will I see on the site ?

  • Every Monday you will get a maze of the week with a corresponding blog post about it.

  • I have enjoyed doing case studies as I have learned new drawing techniques, allowing me to improve some of my mazes. Here is a blog post that brings those posts together: A Collection of Maze Design Case Studies to improve your Mazes

  • For the first half of the year I am going to revise some of my most popular mazes and see if I can improve them. So, Maze of the Week Re-dux’s.

  • The second half of the year will be new mazes on a wide variety of subjects, using what I have learned.

Will there be videos on YouTube again ?

  • No. There did not seem to me much interest in the making of mazes that I made, so the YouTube videos will stop.

Any new books planned ?

  • Many. I will be launching new books during the year on the website. Themed. Typical subjects. I hope to make a lot more Kids maze content.

  • I am also working on Books to launch on Amazon in the Fall. Arrow Mazes Vol 2, Weaving Mazes Vol 2 and a few others I will announce in the future.

  • I have also pulled together my Comic Book Cover Mazes into a free book for anyone who signs up for my book alerts.

How do I sign-up for new Book alerts ?

  • Right here. Any time I launch a new book I will send you an email.

Comic Books; I thought this was a maze site ?

  • I really like the comic book style and made a new comic book style maze each week in 2024. Each Tuesday I made the weekly maze into a comic book cover. I will be continuing making Tuesday a day where you get a new Comic Book Cover Maze. The numbering continues.

  • However it will not be of the Monday MOTW like in 2024, instead it will be a stand alone maze. So each week will feature 2 new mazes !

  • If you want to receive the full comic book from 2024, sign up above and I will send it to you !

Pinterest ?

  • I started this in 2024 and didn’t do much with it. I get some traffic to the site from there. You can check out my page/pins. Fell free to share my mazes there ! Honestly I’m not sure which I am worse at, YouTube or Pinterest ?

  • I will post there more when I have time.

Blogging ?

  • Well I did a new labyrinth blog post each Saturday in 2024, suggesting free labyrinths to visit in each US state. Well, I am out of states, so Saturday blog posts will most likely be gone, leaving me with a Monday, Tuesday, Thursday posting schedule.

  • Want to guest blog about maze and labyrinth design ? Drop me an email !

So, in summary:

  • Monday - Maze of the Week - Re-dux’s to start

  • Tuesday - Comic Book Cover mazes continue

  • Thursday - General interest blog posts on mazes and labyrinths

I hope you enjoy the site !

My 2024 Website Outlook

For 2024 I will continue to post a new maze every Monday launched with a blog post. I will also be making weekly YouTube videos showing these mazes being made. We will have a new theme for the year, and I am going to try a new blog posting schedule.

What type of mazes will I see on the site ?

  • I really liked the comic book style mazes I made, so I am going to make a full year of them ! You have seen these the last few weeks starting with the Evil Pumpkin I made for Halloween.

  • The mazes will all be free hand drawn mazes walls so the look will not be as polished as a building maze, but the style fits the mazes I believe !

  • Overall, these mazes will be good for kids and not very difficult (with a few exceptions)

What will be new ?

  • Each maze will have a preview outline the week before that gives you a hint on what the next maze will be. Here is the first preview for our first maze of the week - What do you think it is ?

Maze Preview #1
  • Since comic books are known for having variations you will get variations of each maze. On Monday I will give you a second colored version of the maze, while on Tuesday I will give you a special comic book cover of the maze, unveiled in a blog post. Collect all 53 comics !

  • I have used starryai to make some backgrounds for the comic books. It is my favorite AI text to image generator.

  • Also, all Mazes of the Week will sit in one block on the homepage with all maze downloads there. Same for Comic Book Covers - they will all be in 1 block.

What will the subject matter be ?

  • Lots of animals to celebrate national and international holidays.

  • A few other subjects that make for good comic book covers and fit the style of artwork.

Will there be videos on YouTube again ?

  • Yes, but they will be much shorter in length and will not include solutions since they are easier mazes than I typically make.

  • Because they are shorter they will be called Quick mazes instead of One Minute Mazes.

  • I also shortened the Intro and Outro and changed the music.

What about blog posts ?

  • Monday - A post to launch the Maze of the Week, including a variation version. Will include a preview outline of the next weeks maze (as shown above).

  • Tuesday - Comic Book cover version of the maze

  • Thursday - General blog post - various maze/labyrinth topics

  • Saturday - Labyrinth finding blog posts (by US state)

Anything else ?

  • I am working on a slight re-design to remove or hide old content that is not popular. My hope is this does not hurt the SEO of the site and allows it to load faster. Some pages will only be available if you find them in search as they will become unlinked to the site from the menus. Overall I have made the site “lighter” to load faster.

  • I started a Pinterest account / page. Still learning what I’m doing and how to utilize it. Maybe it becomes something. Either way it is something new for me to learn !

  • By the end of the year I should have a blog post for every state in the US about publicly available labyrinths. All will sit in one section on the Homepage. If I enjoy it, and people read them, I will continue to make similar content ! If it is a bust, I will stop creating the blog posts early (sorry Wyoming, etc.)

Let’s have a great 2024 ! I hope you enjoy the mazes and the new content !

My 2023 Website Outlook

In 2022 I switched from daily mazes to weekly mazes and really preferred this schedule. This allowed me to put more work into each maze and create mazes that were more like artwork. Each Monday I launched a new maze with a blog post.

For 2023 this format will continue - a new maze each Monday launched with a blog post. I will also be makig weekly videos.

What type of mazes will I see on the site ?

  • Building Mazes - a nice subject to create a maze with, & my favorite

  • Sign Mazes - for some reason I like making this type of maze like this sign maze.

  • Scene Mazes - new. you’ll understand when you see it. Update - like this walking Street.

  • and a few new one off experimental subjects to keep things interesting !

What will be new ?

  • YouTube Videos - I will show some of the mazes being made in steps, edited into short videos. This will also include videos of mazes being solved. You can check out my channel here.

  • New Shapes - I have already made a few mazes that are very wide and a square shaped maze. Expect more interesting shapes in 2023. I have found that if I make a make that is of a subject with a weird shape, I shouldn’t try to fit that maze to a standard sheet of paper. If I do I end up with a maze with a lot of white space or with a maze too small to solve. The maze size is the maze size regardless of the paper. Deal with it.

  • Multi Maze Pictures - I have already made 2 mazes that include multiple mazes within them. One has 10, the other has 4 !! For what is coming in the future, these are subjects where some zones are impassable so multi-maze makes a lor of sense. Also, very large mazes where multiple mazes will fit. Check out this example of a famous building maze.

  • More International Mazes - 44 mazes from 2022 were from the USA with only 4 other countries represented. There will be many more International mazes !

How can I suggest a maze subject ?

Let’s have a great 2023 !

My 2022 Website Outlook - Less mazes, higher quality

For the past 3+ years I have been posting daily mazes on this website. In 2018 and 2019 the theme was based on weird holidays. In 2020 and 2021 I featured a different type of maze each month and concluded most months with a free downloadable book. This gave me a guideline to design each daily maze and focus my work. In April of 2021 I started the Laberinto portion of the site for Spanish speakers.

For a typical 30 day month I need to do the following: 1 - Create a maze. 2 - Format and save the maze for display on the website. 3 - Create a downloadable file for the site. 4,5,6 - repeat steps 1,2, and 3 in Spanish by translating and updating each file. So each month I make 180 different files in order to populate the site. It takes a lot of time. Even for simple mazes. I work on other, more complicated mazes than the ones that I post daily. Those are the mazes I like making the most. The daily mazes are taking up a lot of time…but they do not produce a lot of enjoyment for me (typically). So they are stopping in 2022.

So what is going to happen in 2022 ? A weekly maze. 52 mazes for the year. Each maze will be more intricate. Each maze will be closer to what I call maze art. Each individual maze will have it’s own linkable section of the website for after the week is over. Each weekly maze will have a blog post telling you about the maze, possibly about how or why it was made and give more background. I also might include some additional coloring options for each maze. I like to think of it like a comic book, where each maze has an alternative cover !

I think you will see better mazes that are more shareable and more likely to be printed out and solved. Now, I will spend the same amount of time making mazes, but instead of producing 180 files for 30 days, I will make 12 files of 4 mazes for 28 days. And I will like a final product that has much higher quality (and I hope you will to!)

What type of mazes will I see on the site ?

  • Sign Mazes - for some reason I like making this type of maze

  • Building Mazes - a nice subject to create a maze with

  • Landscape Mazes - I have not perfected these yet, but with some practice I think these could become interesting

  • Landmark/Statue Mazes

When will mazes be posted ?

  • Every Monday except for the first maze which will post on January 1.

  • Each maze will also include a blog post to accompany it.

  • Many mazes will be posted during specific weeks to honor a specific holiday / anniversary, etc. Some of my favorite mazes are already slated for September/October !!!

What makes a good subject for a maze ?

  • Buildings are normally very good

  • Anything that has a block like shape.

  • Items that have a lot of “open” space that can hold a maze within them

    • i.e. skinny items can be difficult since they have difficulty containing a maze

And a poor subject ?

  • Besides the skinny items, I have a lot of trouble with faces.

  • Similar to faces, any picture/item that relies on shadows. There is a way to make these (varying the thickness and spacing of lines) but I have not yet mastered it.

How can I suggest a maze subject ?

Now would be a good time to give you an example. Let’s start with a maze I have featured before as an example of ‘maze art’. The Playhouse Square Sign in Cleveland Ohio. Obviously, the example is smaller than when it prints on regular size paper and is solvable (and easier to see the maze!).

Playhouse Square Sign Maze

Playhouse Square Sign Maze

Cleveland, Ohio

From across the room this looks like a picture and not a maze (hopefully). Only when you get up close do you realize that what you are looking at is actually a maze. That is my goal.

I hope you enjoy the new format ! Let’s have a great 2022 !