Maze of the Week #59 - Walking street in Queretaro, Mexico

Maze of the week #59 takes us to my Winter home of Queretaro, Mexico. If you have never visited, the city center has many walking streets, including this one. I was inspired to take a picture and make it into a maze and video! I took a picture from in front of the Bistrot Chez Julien facing up the walking street called Av. Prol. Luis Pasteur.

If you have 17 minutes and want to learn about my city:

The Photo: Take my word for it, the colors are more vibrant in person !

Queretaro, Mexico walking street

The Maze: Final full color version. I changed the street tiles to make the maze easier.

Queretaro, Mexico walking street Maze

QRO walking street Maze

I hope you enjoy the maze. Maze download is available.

Coming next week:

A building in Spain !