Maze of the Week #79 - Severance Hall Maze

Maze of the Week #79 takes us back to Cleveland, Ohio one of the cities I have lived in and so a common place for my subject matter to come from. This particular maze is of Severance Hall, the home of the excellent Cleveland Orchestra. Opened in 1931 it is considered one of the most beautiful music venues in the world (see the YouTube tour below) ! If you are in the area check it out along with the Cleveland Museum of Art next door. The Wade Park District of Cleveland is a must see. You can find information about the orchestra here or more about the building here.

YouTube: Form the orchestra’s official channel !


Severance Hall

Severance Hall -

And to get the details right I took some of my own photos of the building that you can find (hopefully!) in the maze I made. Here is a gallery of 6 of them:

The Maze: This maze was started by me a few years ago (Fall 2019) and abandoned. When I first did it I tried to make it without any perspective (so the maze would be boxy and have lots of 90 degree corners) but decided I liked more realistic looking mazes and so I started making everything with perspective. That put this maze on the shelf until one day I found it and decided to finish it (and also color it). You can still see how ‘boxy’ it is. but I still think it came out pretty good ! I like the detail on the facade despite not being important to the maze.

Severance Hall Maze

Severance Hall Maze

I hope you enjoy the maze. Download is available on the homepage. Don’t forget to check out my YouTube channel !!

Coming next week:

A maze of a museum.

Maze of the Week #75 - Peter B Lewis Building Maze

Maze of the Week #75 takes us to the city of Cleveland, Ohio and the campus of Case Western Reserve University for a maze of the Peter B Lewis Building. The building houses the Weatherhead School of Management, opened in 2002 and was designed by the famous architect Frank Gehry. You can learn more about the building on the university website and also the historical page of the city.

YouTube video of the building:

Photo: Taken by my friend Heidi !!

Peter B Lewis Building

Peter B Lewis Building

The Maze: I went back and forth of the use or non-use of shadows with this maze many times. I found that in order to show the true unique shape of the building I needed to do the shadowing as best I could, otherwise the structure looked flat to me. I hope you like it ! Also I did the maze with a paper ratio that is longer than normal.

Peter B Lewis Building Maze

Peter B Miller Building Maze

I hope you enjoy the maze. Download is available on the homepage. Also you can watch the making of the maze on my YouTube channel !

Coming next week:

A sign maze.

Maze of the Week #65B - Bridge Guardian Maze Updated and improved !

Maze of the week #65 is of the Guardian from the bridge that overlooks Progressive Field in Cleveland, Ohio. But then I decided it could be improved…so I developed a new version of it and I will let you decide which you like best.

Photo: This photo from flickr, and Heather McLaughlin, will become important.

The Original Maze: Now called the “Before”

Bridge Guardian Maze

And now what I did to improve (hopefully) the maze and make it more interesting.

1. Colors changed - The initial maze was one color. I changed the overall color to be darker and added a secondary color. I also added shadows in many places.

2. Details added - I went back and found a better photo of the truck and added additional details to it. I added some new details to the face, added fingernails, etc. You can compare the mazes and find even more !

3. Extended the maze - I made the maze longer and extended it to the bottom of the page. The actual structure is very large and the previous “floating” version of the maze was not accurate. I also added the side panels that were missing from version 1.

4. Changed the Maze - I kept this an easy kids maze. I changed the non-core maze portion at the top and deleted the lower portion of the maze.

5. Added background - I wanted to try this as mixed media. I thought about doing a blue sky but the location of this bridge overlooks the baseball stadium, so I found the photo above to make this a mixed media maze !

6. Start and goal changed - I felt that this would look better by changing the arrows to an internal lettered start and goal.

7. Letter and branding moved - I moved the branding and lettering to the top of the page. I also re-sized the title to be larger than the city name.

And so here is the “After”. Which maze do you prefer ? Did this improve the maze ?

Guardian of Traffic Maze with stadium

I will add this maze to the current homepage and you can choose the one you want to solve ! Happy mazing !!

Maze of the Week #65 - Bridge Guardian Maze

It’s that time of year again. Baseball season starts March 30th. Maze of the week #65 was my attempt to celebrate that fact. It is a maze of the Guardian from the bridge that overlooks Progressive Field in Cleveland, Ohio. Specifically it is one of the Guardians of Traffic sculptures (1932). You can read about them in Cleveland Magazine or check out this short video about the name change:

Photo: flickr, Erick Drost

Guardians of Traffic bridge statues in Cleveland, Ohio

Guardians of Traffic

The Maze: One color. Not my best maze. I made this a few years ago and never used it (until now). But then I made a second version…

Guardian of Traffic Maze

Bridge Guardian Maze

I hope you enjoy the maze. Download is available on the site, including a new version !

Coming next week:

A monument in India