Maze of the Week #77 - Giraffe Maze

Maze of the Week #77 takes us to the plains of Africa or maybe your local zoo with this Giraffe Maze. While this is not my first animal maze, it is my first high level maze. I am debuting the maze this week to celebrate World Giraffe Day on June 21 !

Photo: I used this photo from flickr user Mad Ball and adapted it into a maze. I was watching a YouTube video one day and noticed that the coat of a giraffe would make a good maze

Flickr, Mad Ball

The Maze: Color. Large Size. You cannot see the maze on most screens and this is meant to be printed and solved on a large piece of paper.

Giraffe Maze

Giraffe Maze

I hope you enjoy the maze. Download is available on the homepage. Check out my YouTube channel !

If you like animal mazes, I have some much more simple, kids focused mazes from a few years ago. There are over 30 and my favorite are the Iguana, Pug dog and the Bald eagle.

Coming next week:

A sign maze.

Bald Eagle Maze

If you are looking for a more difficult maze, you have found it with this Bald Eagle Maze. This is the 16th maze in a series of 100 mazes that will make a free downloadable maze book. If you hit the download button below you will be able to print page 16 of the book. This is also a mixed maze construction, using both a vertical and a horizontal construction. This is also the final animal maze in the 100 maze book.

If you got here because you like animals, I have a collection of 9 Barnyard Animal Mazes or a collection of 18 Wild Animal Mazes you might like. Some will be in this book, while others will not.

bald eagle maze

Bald Eagle Maze

A little bit of information on this maze: The difficulty level is medium hard and the maze construction is a Mixed Section Maze of horizontal and vertical constructions.

Previous Mazes in the collection:

Part 1 Animals

  1. Tyrannosaurus Rex Maze

  2. Penguin Maze

  3. Rabbit Maze

  4. Goose Maze

  5. Mule Maze

  6. Elephant Maze

  7. Sloth Maze

  8. Lemur Maze

  9. Fish Maze

  10. Dolphin Maze

  11. Rhinoceros Maze

  12. Snake Maze

  13. Butterfly Maze

  14. Pug Dog Maze

  15. Hippopotamus Maze

  16. Bald Eagle Maze

If you are interested in learning how to make a maze on your own similar to this one:

How to Make a Mixed Section Maze

How To Make a Horizontal Maze

How to Make a Vertical Maze

You may also like this free Kids Maze book: available in English and Español

Kids Maze Book Cover


A free downloadable book featuring 30 different mazes. Includes standard mazes, mazes where you need to avoid items, and mazes where you need to collect items ! A nice beginning maze book.

File Size: 2,013 KB


Un libro descargable gratuito con 30 laberintos diferentes. Incluye los laberintos estándar, los laberintos donde usted necesita evitar los artículos, y los laberintos donde usted necesita recoger los artículos! Un libro del laberinto del comienzo agradable.

Tamaño del archivo: 2.003 KB

गंजा ईगल भूलभुलैया, Labyrinthe du pygargue à tête blanche, Weißkopfseeadler Labyrinth, Laberinto del águila calva, 秃鹰迷宫

Hippopotamus Maze

Difficulty just jumped up a notch with this Hippopotamus Maze. This is the 15th maze in a series of 100 mazes that will make a free downloadable maze book. If you hit the download button below you will be able to print page 15 of the book. This is also our very first standard equal maze construction. A standard equal construction has pathways and walls that are equal widths.

If you got here because you like animals, I have a collection of 9 Barnyard Animal Mazes or a collection of 18 Wild Animal Mazes you might like. Some will be in this book, while others will not.

Hippo Maze

Hippopotamus Maze

A little bit of information on this maze: The difficulty level is medium because of the longer pathways and the maze construction is a Standard Equal Maze.

Previous Mazes in the collection:

Part 1 Animals

  1. Tyrannosaurus Rex Maze

  2. Penguin Maze

  3. Rabbit Maze

  4. Goose Maze

  5. Mule Maze

  6. Elephant Maze

  7. Sloth Maze

  8. Lemur Maze

  9. Fish Maze

  10. Dolphin Maze

  11. Rhinoceros Maze

  12. Snake Maze

  13. Butterfly Maze

  14. Pug Dog Maze

If you are interested in learning how to make a maze on your own similar to this one:

How to Make a Standard Equal Maze

How to Make a Kids Maze

You may also like this free Kids Maze book: available in English and Español

Kids Maze Book Cover


A free downloadable book featuring 30 different mazes. Includes standard mazes, mazes where you need to avoid items, and mazes where you need to collect items ! A nice beginning maze book.

File Size: 2,013 KB


Un libro descargable gratuito con 30 laberintos diferentes. Incluye los laberintos estándar, los laberintos donde usted necesita evitar los artículos, y los laberintos donde usted necesita recoger los artículos! Un libro del laberinto del comienzo agradable.

Tamaño del archivo: 2.003 KB

दरियाई घोड़ा भूलभुलैया, Labyrinthe d'hippopotames, Nilpferd Labyrinth, Laberinto de hipopótamos, 河马迷宫

Pug Dog Maze for Kids

One of my favorite mazes is this Pug Maze. I have not made many dog mazes (future project?) but this is a good one. This is the 14th maze in a series of 100 mazes that will make a free downloadable maze book. If you hit the download button below you will be able to print page 14 of the book. We are getting near the end of our first section of animal mazes.

If you got here because you like animals, I have a collection of 9 Barnyard Animal Mazes or a collection of 18 Wild Animal Mazes you might like. Some will be in this book, while others will not.

Pug dog maze for kids

Pug Maze

A little bit of information on this maze: The difficulty level is medium because of the longer pathways and the maze construction is a Standard Maze.

Previous Mazes in the collection:

Part 1 Animals

  1. Tyrannosaurus Rex Maze

  2. Penguin Maze

  3. Rabbit Maze

  4. Goose Maze

  5. Mule Maze

  6. Elephant Maze

  7. Sloth Maze

  8. Lemur Maze

  9. Fish Maze

  10. Dolphin Maze

  11. Rhinoceros Maze

  12. Snake Maze

  13. Butterfly Maze

If you are interested in learning how to make a maze on your own similar to this one:

How to Make a Standard Maze

How to Make a Kids Maze

You may also like this free Kids Maze book: available in English and Español

Kids Maze Book Cover


A free downloadable book featuring 30 different mazes. Includes standard mazes, mazes where you need to avoid items, and mazes where you need to collect items ! A nice beginning maze book.

File Size: 2,013 KB


Un libro descargable gratuito con 30 laberintos diferentes. Incluye los laberintos estándar, los laberintos donde usted necesita evitar los artículos, y los laberintos donde usted necesita recoger los artículos! Un libro del laberinto del comienzo agradable.

Tamaño del archivo: 2.003 KB

Mops Labyrinth, Labyrinthe de carlins, पग भूलभुलैया, Laberinto de Pug, 帕格迷宫

狗迷宫, Labyrinthe de chien, Hund Labyrinth, Perro Laberinto, कुत्ता भूलभुलैया