Maze of the Week #21 - Dolles Salt Water Taffy Sign Maze

This is a great week to go to the beach. This week I bring you maze #21 from Delaware with this Dolles Salt Water Taffy Sign Maze. This particular maze is a free drawn construction. If you have been to Rehoboth Beach in Delaware you have seen this sign !

Some information about Dolles Candyland

Was located at the corner of Rehoboth Avenue and the Boardwalk in Rehoboth Beach, Delaware since 1927, one year after it was established, but was moved in December of 2021. You can read about the history of the company on the Dolles website. Visiting the website will definitely make you hungry. Salt water taffy happens to be the most popular product.

In December of 2021 the sign MOVED as shown in this video from the local news.

And here is a photo of the iconic sign:

Dolles Salt Water Taffy Sign

Carol M. Highsmith, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

The maze:

A full color maze through the letters from the original location of the sign.

Dolles Salt Water Taffy Sign Maze

Dolles Salt Water Taffy Sign Maze

I hope you enjoy the maze. You can find downloads of the maze on the mazes permanent webpage.

Coming next week:

A lighthouse maze

Maze of the Week #14 - Rockford Tower Maze

We stay in the state of Delaware for this weeks maze with the Rockford Tower. The tower is located in Wilmington, Delaware and is located in the middle of the Rockford Park. The maze is a draw and cut construction using the stones as walls that pathways move through, I made 2 variations of the maze….with only one change - the better version is below.

Some information about Rockford Tower

The Tower includes a historical marker with the following inscription:

In 1895, Theodore Leisen, engineer for the Wilmington Board of Park Commissioners, recommended that “a large pavilion and observatory” be built in Rockford Park on what was called Mt. Salem Hill, the highest point in the city at 330 feet above sea level. His proposal coincided with the Board of Water Commissioners’ conclusion that Wilmington was in need of a new water tower in that neighborhood. The two boards merged their projects in Rockford Tower. Built between 1899 and 1902, the half-million-gallon water storage tank and observatory is constructed of natural field stone and is an example of the Italian Renaissance Revival style. Rockford Tower is 57 feet in diameter at the base, 75 feet high to the floor of the observatory, and reaches a total height of 115 feet.
— Inscription

You can read about the tower history here, and see some great old pictures including one showing it’s construction. Or if you are a sucker for drone videos like I am, check this one out:

The mazes:

Black and white. This is a new and improved version of the maze. The outline of the tower changed…from straight lines to lines that are shaped more like the individual stones. It was a slight change but make the tower look more natural !

Rockford Tower Maze

Rockford Tower Maze

I hope you enjoy the maze. You can find downloads of the maze at the mazes permanent home.

Coming next week:

A sign maze.

Maze of the Week #13 - Clayton Theatre Maze

My favorite maze of the year (so far) is this week’s maze of the Clayton Theatre in Dagsboro, Delaware. I love movies and enjoy going to old movie theaters. The maze construction I used for this maze is a draw and cut. The bricks used for the façade make a natural "maze wall for the maze pathways to work themselves through.

Some information about the Clayton Theatre

Built in 1948, this is the last first run single screen theater in Delaware. After watching the video below and seeing the marquee lit up at night, I have been tempted to do a version of the maze “at night” showing off the wonderful colors. I put that on my to-do list. I also am suddenly hungry for some popcorn ! You can find what movie is playing here.

The maze:

Mostly a black and white maze, with a small pop of color in red for the PG-13. But, this is NOT a black and white maze as this this the actual coloring of the theatre !

Clayton Theatre Maze

Clayton Theatre Maze

I hope you enjoy the maze. You can find downloads of the maze at the mazes permanent home.

Coming next week:

A maze of another building in Delaware ! I think you will like it !