Maze of the Week 13 Redux - Clayton Theatre (MOTW #168)

This maze update is going to be different from the other options I have done. I like the original maze and wanted to make a new version of it - a view of the theatre at night. When I originally made the maze I remembered seeing pictures of the building at night with colors that were not what I was expecting. I wanted to add those onto the maze and see how it looked. It also allowed me to practice some design techniques. Here is the original blog post:

Maze of the Week #13 - Clayton Theatre Maze

Here are the enhancements I made to improve the maze:

1. Neon added. I added glowing neon lights to top of the sign, blue lights around the C on the sign and around the marque. Basically I added neon lights, then made sure that they would glow.

2. Building glow. That also meant adding sign glow onto the building from neon signs, not just the area directly around the lights.

3. Windows darkened. I should have done this on the daytime version also.

4. Arrows changed. Unfortunately I had to use internal arrows in this maze to jump obstacles. The internal arrows are now 20-30% larger where possible.

5. Posters added. I added The Maze Runner poster to the poster boards !

6. Nighttime. I added a dark night sky and added a deeper grey on everything to show it was night.

7. Size changed. I took an inch off the height to eliminate some empty space.

8. Font Size. I reduced font size on title, with even more reduction on the city name

9. Light added. I added a bright light on the front of the building at the box office.

10. Minor Detail. A new ticket box office color/detail where the ticket seller speaks. Very small detail, but more accurate.

I prefer the night version, but I will keep both on the site. Maybe I should make some of the same changes on the daytime version ???? TBD.

Some data: The new file is 233MB from 112MB.

I will be posting this maze on the homepage in addition to the existing version. You can find the maze download there !

If you like this type of content check out all of my case studies:

A Collection of Maze Design Case Studies to Improve your Mazes

What I've Learned Making Mazes

Happy maze-ing !

Maze of the Week #13 - Clayton Theatre Maze

My favorite maze of the year (so far) is this week’s maze of the Clayton Theatre in Dagsboro, Delaware. I love movies and enjoy going to old movie theaters. The maze construction I used for this maze is a draw and cut. The bricks used for the façade make a natural "maze wall for the maze pathways to work themselves through.

Some information about the Clayton Theatre

Built in 1948, this is the last first run single screen theater in Delaware. After watching the video below and seeing the marquee lit up at night, I have been tempted to do a version of the maze “at night” showing off the wonderful colors. I put that on my to-do list. I also am suddenly hungry for some popcorn ! You can find what movie is playing here.

The maze:

Mostly a black and white maze, with a small pop of color in red for the PG-13. But, this is NOT a black and white maze as this this the actual coloring of the theatre !

Clayton Theatre Maze

Clayton Theatre Maze

I hope you enjoy the maze. You can find downloads of the maze at the mazes permanent home.

Coming next week:

A maze of another building in Delaware ! I think you will like it !