Maze of the Week #155 - Monkey

Maze of the Week #155 is a Monkey maze. The holiday Monkey Day is celebrated each December 14th !

Here was my preview image.

white monkey shadow

Here is the first version of the maze. For the 2nd week in a row I liked the black and white version !

Monkey Maze

And the alternative color version.

Brown Monkey Maze

Downloads are available in the comic book style maze section. Come back tomorrow to see what the comic book cover looks like !

Next weeks Maze Preview: We’re becoming festive this time of year !

Maze Preview

Animal Mazes - A look at various wild and exotic Animal Mazes

Previously I showed you a collection of some Barnyard Animal mazes. Lots of fun animals you would find on a farm and also designed to be solved by children. Today I take you through the other animals that are more commonly found in the wild. Animal Mazes are some of my most popular and always get a lot of downloads. Some are realistic pictures while others are cartoonish so you’ll see a variety of maze styles . Let’s take a look !

18 Interesting Exotic Animal Mazes:

We start off in the ocean with this Walrus Maze. I really like the whiskers on the face of this guy.


Walrus Maze

Our next maze, the Quail maze highlights the wonderful feathers of the quail ( as best I could make them).

Quail Maze

Quail Maze

We go from the ocean to the sky to the ground with this Iguana Maze. Unlike other mazes this was made using a free drawn construction.

Iguana Maze

Iguana Maze

And then there is this Newt Maze, also free drawn and perfect for kids.

Newt Maze.png

Newt Maze

And now one of my former daily mazes that won some voting contests, The Bald Eagle Maze. This is definitely not for kids. The construction method is a mix of vertical and horizontal styles.

bald eagle maze

Bald Eagle Maze

Another daily maze that became a winner as Maze of the month, the Hippopotamus Maze (Thank you spell check). This Hippo was made using a standard Equal construction method.

Hippo Maze

Hippo Maze

I really like this Penguin Maze. It is one of the few mazes that only uses an internal section to create the maze surface, using this penguins nice white belly !

penguin maze

Penguin Maze

A Bird Maze that has a bit of a cartoon look and is a bit more challenging for most kids.

Bird Maze

Bird Maze

We return to the plains of Africa for this Rhinoceros Maze. I don’t know about you, but I would not want to make this guy mad !

Rhinoceros Maze

Rhinoceros Maze

And we can’t forget the real big guy, the beautiful elephant ! Here is an Elephant Maze for you to enjoy !

Elephant Maze

Elephant Maze

Let’s return closer to home and an animal that I see all the time where I live. Here we have the Rabbit Maze. Also a nice maze for Easter.

Rabbit Maze

Rabbit Maze

There are some animals I have never seen but I would like to, like a Lemur. Enjoy this Lemur Maze.

Lemur maze

Lemur Maze

How about we go back to the water for this cartoon Octopus Maze

Octopus Maze

Octopus Maze

Never get between a racoon and it’s food. Instead try this Raccoon Maze !

Raccoon Maze

Raccoon Maze

Aaaannnnnddddd aaaa sssslllllloooottttthhhh mmmmaaaaazzzzeeee. Or a sloth maze when said at regular speed !

Sloth Maze

Sloth Maze

And we of course have a Monkey Maze. I don’t remember what kind of monkey this is…

Monkey maze

Monkey Maze

This one has a bit of a different look than most of my mazes with a background to better show the jumping dolphin. Dolphin Maze

Dolphin Maze

Dolphin Maze

But the maze we end with has to be the Vulture Maze. A bird you do not want to see, especially if it seems to be following you !!!

Vulture Maze

Vulture Maze

Since I made this blog post I have transitioned to making maze art, including an animal (with more to come in the future) !

Giraffe Maze

I also started making Comic Book style mazes - many of which include new animal mazes !