Maze of the Week #87 - Danzante Conchero Chichimeca Maze

Maze of the Week #87 takes us to the city of Queretaro in Mexico. This statue of the Danzante Conchero Chichimeca is located just outside of the main plaza in the city. If you visit you will be sure to see it. I lived nearby and have walked past it hundreds of times. You mazy not notice but there is some color on the statue, although the feathers near the head of the dancer have faded over time (they were blue and white).

Photos: All taken by me.

YouTube: This is a long video of the festival in Queretaro that shows many different festivities like a parade and dancing. I do not think I am in the background of this video, but…maybe. I did attend many of these things !

The Maze: Originally this maze was abandoned and made my list of mistakes in maze making.

Why I abandoned these 10 mazes - Mistakes in Maze making

Then I went back an made it into another case study, which you can read about here. I did need to cheat to maze the picture I made though !

Danzante Conchero Chichimeca Maze

Danzante Conchero Chichimeca Maze

I hope you enjoy the maze. Maze download is available. Check out my YouTube channel where you can watch this maze be made and solved !!!

Coming these next few weeks: Mazes with case studies !

Tiki Totem Maze (last week)

El Danzante Conchero Chichimeca Maze (this one)

A maze of a performing arts center

A maze of a sign

A maze of ruins

Maze of the Week #29 - Thread City Crossing Maze

Maze #29 features the Thread City Crossing in Willimantic, Connecticut. While some bridges can be boring, and most are, but this particular bridge connecting highways 32 and 66 features 4 bronze statues of frogs sitting on spools of thread. And you are probably thinking, huh ? Why on earth is there a frog on a spool of thread? Well it has to do with The Great Bullfrog Battle and a local cotton mill. Read the story on this atlas obscura page.

And if you want to go long form just on the frog battle, this Wikipedia entry works.

Who wants to watch some drone footage of the bridge ?

Let’s start with a photo of one of the bridge statues:

Thread City Crossing Frog

By Grendelkhan - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0,

The maze:

Thread City Crossing Frog Maze

Thread City Crossing Maze

I hope you enjoy the maze. It has a permanent home where you can download the maze and solution !

Coming next week:

A Sign Maze

Maze of the Week #8 - Abraham Lincoln Maze

Happy President’s Day for those of you joining us from the United States. For the holiday we have maze fo the week #8, an Abraham Lincoln maze based on the statue in the Lincoln Memorial in Washington DC. The maze is a draw and cut construction. It is large sized and in 2 colors.

Some information about Abraham Lincoln

Let’s just go right to the video:

Let’s take a look at a photo before we get to the maze !

The maze:

Includes the quote featured behind him in the memorial.

Abraham Lincoln Statue Maze

Abraham Lincoln Maze

I hope you enjoy the maze. You can find downloads of the maze at the mazes permanent home.

Coming next week:

Something a bit different - a tribute to a famous artist.